Bitcoin education in El Salvador is on the increase and I like the way the government is handling the education of its citizens on Bitcoin because this is the best way to protect the people and also build citizens' trust in Bitcoin. As we are well aware of the protest that happened during the early days of Bitcoin adoption in El Salvador, one of the main issues raised during the protest was the cry by the people that there was no proper awareness and education of citizens before Bitcoin adoption in the country.
I think people's protests against proper education on Bitcoin are reasonable, because they also want to know thoroughly about Bitcoin before adopting it into anything. So it is natural to make a protest to the government, because it is a very wise and appropriate thing to be able to make a decent and free education for all citizens in El Salvador.
And I also read an article on
cryptonews which mentioned the issue of Bitcoin education in El Salvador where Paxful has opened an educational facility in El Salvador to help citizens learn and use Bitcoin more effectively. The program is called La Casa Del Bitcoin, and aims to accelerate the acceptance of Bitcoin through free education, as the majority of El Salvadorans are still unfamiliar with the technology.
Many of us need to recognize and appreciate that there is a kind of catch 22 going on here, and that people are not going to learn shit if bitcoin is not available to be used in the society and there is a certain level of practicality that one of the best ways to learn something is by actively using it, even if you do not know what the fuck you are doing and even if there may be some risks that you are going to lose money in the process of learning.
One of the best ways to learn better risk management is by both attempting to employ better risk management and possibly getting burnt in the event that you do not employ good risk management.
These whimpy criticisms that are proclaiming that poor poor dumb people of El Salvador need to learn first seem to be largely fantasy ideas in regards to what are some of the better ways to learn and attempt to learn. El Salvador has been serving as a way better than average (and better than almost everywhere else) learning ground merely by its legalizing bitcoin, and the fact that they are smart about the idea in the sense that they are focusing on bitcoin first is another way to attempt to guide people in terms of understanding some aspects of risk management are not getting involved in shitcoins because bitcoin is already risky so why add more risk upon your strategy by getting involved in risk upon risk.. .. and surely some El Salvadorean citizens (and people benefiting from El Salvador's pro-bitcoin laws) are going to be better at risk management right from the start, and other El Salvadorean citizens (and people benefiting from El Salvador's pro-bitcoin laws) are going to worse at risk management, but hopefully they are going to learn along the way, and maybe El Salvadorean citizens are going to become way more educated about both bitcoin and various kinds of risk management related to bitcoin and are going to be helpful in helping other people around the world in regards to bitcoin and risk management around bitcoin - even though in spite of our increasingly interconnected world, frequently it is still not easy for people around the world to easily learn from people in other places around the world.. .. and again getting back to some of the experiential aspects of learning.