Pada 26 September 2022 lalu, Electrum kembali merilis versi terbarunya yakni v4.3.2.
Berikut ini catatan rilisnya:
* When creating new requests, reuse addresses of expired requests
(fixes #7927).
* Index requests by ID instead of receiving address. This affects the
following commands: get_request, get_invoice, list_requests,
list_invoices, delete_request, delete_invoice
* Trampoline routing: remember routes that have failed. Try other
routes instead of systematically raising tampoline fees.
* Fix sweep to_local output from channel backup (#7959)
* Harden build script for macOS binary: avoid using
precompiled wheels from PyPI for most packages (#7918)
* The Windows/AppImage/Android binaries are now built on debian using
the archive instead of ubuntu. This should help
with historical reproducibility. (#7926)
Dan verifikasi PGP signature-nya agar lebih yakin software yang di-download adalah asli.
Cara verifikasi signature bisa lihat disini: pada bagian "How to verify GPG signatures" atau bisa lihat juga alternatif cara lainnya pada post #1 thread ini.