What do you mean, merge mining is already working... I'm using 0.5.1 just fine...
Haha. Thats interesting. Wasnt watching close enough I guess.
There is an open issue still because it's not.
oh yeah duh... too many rum'n nogs today. not sure what i was thinking hah
Wait now I'm a little confused haha. There is or isn't merged mining?
not sure if there is supposed to be. but I'm just mining EMC normally. For some reason I thought I was merge mining it but I'm not and have no idea if there will be...
There is a big announcement page on here from June. Make a huge deal out of it to get into bitcoin news sites. They said in an issue in the repo early November that they were working group on it and the next release should have it if I remember right.
@sidhujag - thanks for comfirming that.