I can't imagine that Feyenoord will give up the title. From the point of view of the Eredivisie, it would be very important for Ajax to finish second. Ajax is in twelfth place in the UEFA seeding list and therefore has a much better chance of not getting an opponent from the TOP 3 leagues in the non-Championship.
The 5-year ranking is very close this year and it would be important for Feyenoord to advance tonight, the gap to France is not very big but Portugal is also close behind the Netherlands.
One advantage is in any case, next year the Netherlands will have a worse year than France and Portugal out of the ranking.
This table is interesting and I have had a look at it a while ago and thought it is indeed close, but it is not as close as it looks. If the Netherlands want to overtake France a lot would have to happen. For as long as PSG plays a decent role in the Champions League next year and some of the other French teams play an average role, it is harder than it seems for the Netherlands to soon overtake them. France would have to completely fail for one year and the Netherlands need a team that survives the group stage in the Champions League and one that makes it far in the Europa League. That's not that likely, but of course still worth fighting for. Nice you shared the overview here again.