An unexpected team created by the Old OG have a good run here in the DPC WEU Spring and they dominated the game really bad, they didn't pick the necessary draft instead they created a new kind of meta draft, the match of OLD G vs In the breach, ITB have a good drafting but topson makes a new way to get into mid and sustain their fast game, Topson for aghanims healing and burst damage Oracle plus with the sustain of abadon and rat strategy of NP seems like a dirty strategy, in the game 2 the ITB makes desperate they draft techies and the TB just to win the game but instead they still lose with the Topson Snap and NP carry of Reso.
It wasn't an unexpected team but they have done it even before IIRC but they didn't find any success. OG itself did also made an OG seed team but disbanded after not getting success. While on the last TI, played along side with a SEA team together with ana but also didn't found success.
At least on this OLD G, they are enjoying and having a good run on their division 2 journey going to division 1. As Ceb even said, it is even tougher to deal with division 2 teams than div 1.
Players that are on this roster are open to explore a huge hero pool and no pressure on each them. I think it is always Ceb that gives a lot of value to the team and those unorthodox strategies that Topson does like Oracle mid, I saw that when he was still with T1 but wasn't effective and that was because his former teammates and executions.
On their match with ITB, having that oracle and abaddon heroes. Topson was brilliant thinking of unli sustain with Oracle.