It’s not depending on the total kills for the odds to raise on a bet related to map win count. It’s always based to the gold advantage of the team since there’s a scenario that a team with high kill count is behind in terms of gold or just breakeven since they are just killing supports while the carry can farm freely without any kills.
Your explanation is very accurate and it makes a lot of sense. I'm sorry I may have been wrong but I think the number of kills also affect the bookmakers to Increase or decrease the odds.
Watching Liquid is very painful because 33 not performing well which Liquid has high expectation to the space he should create but it turns out that his lane is always the weakest and needs frequent visit since dyrcho keeps dominating him badly. If 33 performs better, Liquid has better chance to get at least 1 map. GG is indeed the achilles heel of Liquid in every tournament. They can’t past this team no matter what they do.
Same with Quest to Falcons. This team’s game play is a natural counter. Lol
I can barely think of how TL can be defeated by GG without being able to give resistance to at least one map. IMO, TL mistake was in laning which was not optimal, but choosing the wrong hero made TL feel uncomfortable.
My duration bet has lost for the map 1 of Team Falcons and Team Liquid. Dude, my durating bet is over 34 minutes and Team Falcons was wiped out on 30:50. So close!!!!! if the score isn't that 5-31. 5 kills for Team Falcons and 31 for Team Liquid, I don't think they'd call that early.
Falcons are very bad on map 1 because the hero used will probably not be able to give longer resistance and even total kill is very different far.
Honestly I have a strong prediction TL will win this game on map 3.
It's fucking almost a bet I lost on map 1 while I was on my way home and rushed to place a bet. I should've chosen MegaCreep No but I'm wrong to placed Benyond Godlike.
But lucky that TL finished the game quickly.
I hope at least on map 2 the Falcons can give a resistance on map 2, if they want to get to the finals.