I've updated eth-us.suprnova.cc and eth-mine.suprnova.cc to new versions and also improved performance quite a lot, there shouldn't be any timeouts or "JSON RPC error.." anymore.
Are you able to offer stratum on eth-us.suprnova.cc ? Getwork is so ugg; would be nice to use qtminer or genoil w/ stratum on this pool.
Yes, working on it.
Hi all, i have issue
I have several PC with intel Chip mining power about 0.35 MH/s. I've create one worker on suprnova pool, and I set the same worker on all PC. Will those workers sum in one MH power on suprnova pool ? If not , how to set it ?
No, you would have to use the proxy:
https://github.com/sammy007/ether-proxyAnd point all your rigs to this proxy. The proxy than connects via one worker to the pool
Uhh, any example how to do it ?
Do i have to install any proxy on win 7 ?
So finaly I can reply myself
Instruction mining (One station or multi on proxy) for those novice like me (No GETH need):
https://github.com/ethereum/mist/releases/- download wallet: Ethereum-Wallet-linux64-0-5-1.zip
- synchrnise, make acc,
http://www60.zippyshare.com/v/VSsUc5ew/file.html- download etherminer, unpack
https://eth.suprnova.cc- make account (HELP), make PIN
- make worker (HELP) , sholud look like: [login].[your name]
- withdraws in "My Account" / Cash Out.
make [any name].BAT:
GPU mining:
ethminer -G -F
CPU mining:
ethminer -F -C
- *.bat put in ....:\ethminer-opencl\ (make shourcut best and put in autostart
PROXY MINING - add multi host in local network:
- need ether-proxy-win64 from https://github.com/sammy007/ether-proxy/releases
- make new *.json file
- eidt file:
"threads": 2,
"proxy": {
"listen": "",
"clientTimeout": "3m",
"blockRefreshInterval": "100ms",
"hashrateWindow": "15m",
"submitHashrate": false,
"luckWindow": "24h",
"largeLuckWindow": "72h"
"frontend": {
"listen": "",
"login": "admin",
"password": ""
"upstreamCheckInterval": "5s",
"upstream": [
"pool": true,
"name": "Suprnova.cc",
"url": "
"timeout": "10s"
"newrelicEnabled": false,
"newrelicName": "MyEtherProxy",
"newrelicKey": "SECRET_KEY",
"newrelicVerbose": false
8545 port is example. can be different
- make file RUNPROXY.BAT , edit: ether-proxy.exe ‘your name’.json
- make new bat file for local station:
(CPU) : ethminer -C -F http://”IP PROXY STATION”:8545/miner/[MHS]/[MINER]
(GPU): ethminer -G -F http://”IP PROXY STATION”:8545/miner/[MHS]/[MINER]
file put in ....../ethminer-opencl/
- [MINER] the same as in *.json file.
- If miner is running on PROXY STATION so IP must be or localhost.