I can get it to mine through nicehash but that's giving me 1.8Mhz x2 and I really want to be mining eth on suprnova
ethminer -G -F http://eth-us.suprnova.cc:3000/login.worker/speed --cl-local-work 256 --cl-global-work 8192
You probably don't have -G
now CMD just closes? ethminer -G -F http://eth-eu.suprnova.cc:3000/imcloud9.imcloud9/40 --cl-local-work 256 --cl-global-work 8192
Have you restarted your computer lately? It sounds like ethminer is not detecting your card, have you installed the microsoft c++ redistributables? Leave off the local work and global work to see if that's the problem, probably not. When you didn't have the -G you were most likely mining with your cpu, that's why your MH/s was so low.
I was told on reddit to follow this guide I am on stage 8 of Building from source https://ethereum.gitbooks.io/frontier-guide/content/installing_windows.html
I dont know what it is doing now though?