and please read the rest of the conversation... i don't know how much more transparent we can be about this topic... believe it or not, running an exchange is a serious business. Crypto is cutting edge and there are a lot of grey space in regards to what is legal or not. Most of that space carries a stiff fine and possible jail sentence (refer to bitinstant, silkroad, satoshidice). When our legal counsel, perkinscoie, who is a major firm in the crypto space, advise us not to do something. We listen. The FUD in here doesn't seem to grasp that concept.
So how exactly does charging a $2000 fee change your legal counsels opinion?
Seems to me you are advised regardless of whether a developer pays you or not.
Your stance on these issues are wishy washy at best.
Care to comment on the pastebin where you state you created your exchange to operate your own bots?
Since you've stated numerous times you do not operate bots on bittrex.
Its not to change their opinion. Its to get a legal review so that EUPH operates legally in the eyes of US laws. There are things that EUPH could could move them closer to the legal space... for example (and again IANAL), things like "We will not ship to the US" or "Verification of delivery location" etc... It's far from wishy washy. We talked to NOO and were satisfied with their legal status and compliance program.
not wanting to stir a hornets nest but I did point that we have all this to Bill
I pointed those terms out from the very start to him.
We very clearly state we will not ship any reagents to jurisdictions where those reagents are controlled and any orders for such will be cancelled.