Why do you still want to prove that you don't understand what a theory is?
''Haven't you realized, yet, that "something" and the "theory of something" are two different things? Black holes are factual. They are anomalies that we have given the name "black hole." But we don't really have much of a clue about "black hole theory" being the true explanation of what black holes really are.''
You are right, evolution is a fact, the theory of evolution is what explains it.
You are right, everyone can look up how these things do not disprove evolution whatsoever, only in your mind
Again, the only way evolution theory is accurate is within the theory. It doesn't fit a whole bunch of things in reality.
What does not fit? Still have not found anything that does not fit evolution. You know evolution takes time! lots of time.
Everything that fits the evolution idea can fit other things, as well. Some of the things are entirely false even for evolution. One example is random mutations.
There is no random. The law of cause and effect, upheld by Newton's 3rd Law, shows this.
Everything in the universe came about either by:
1. Cause and effect, or;
2. We don't know how it came about
However, because of the tremendous number of "things" that we know exist due to C&E, and because of the fact that we have not found even one thing that we know has pure random behind it, C&E stands as science law.
What does this mean regarding evolution mutations? It means that they have been caused by something. They are not random. Our idea of random only exists because we are too "weak" to see the complex, underlying causes(s).
A universe full of non-random happenings is a universe that was planned. If there is anything like evolution in existence, it was planned that way by whatever put the universe together. It is not the evolution that our evolution theory suggests.
Yes, they are CAUSED by chemical and photolytic damage to DNA, and remain due to the imperfect nature of the DNA repair machinery. Beneficial changes PERSIST due to natural selection. Science doesn't claim to KNOW anything, we simply offer the current best fit as determined by the totality of evidence available.
Religion claims to KNOW the answers, just like the ancient greeks KNEW Helios pulled the sun across the sky with his chariot, and that Atlas held the world upon his shoulders. Just like the Hindus offered sacrifices to Indra to make it rain, because they knew Indra controls the condensation evaporation cycle. You theists sure seem to know a lot of BS.