Your bible is 2,000 years old, and full of things we have proven false. My science textbooks are just a few years old, and everyone (including you) lives their lives with no issues following nature's laws.
There is no such thing as nature's laws. Its a fiction like all your life. What are the nature's law? Physics law? Those are physics law not nature's law.
Being like this fiction called nature is being a beast, untamed creation. You worship being a beast and your inner bestiality.
You worship the image of the beast. That was already descirbed in the bible.
What is so innate with this ficticious bs(with the self contradictory attributes like being wild and lawful), that people call nature? What is original about it? What is it? Just some vague unconscious worshipping, even not being aware, that someone worship something.
Being semi conscious is feminine. If you like being a half man half woman, that is not aware what he worship, fine. Be a girlboy for all I care.
I wonder why girlboys are worshipping wild things while they would not survive the encounter with the wild on their own.
Jesus have answer for that. Self destructive tendencies. As he had said, broad is the way that lead to destruction and many that follows it.
And yes the OT that was writting about the fertility cults is way older than 2000. More like 3000 or so,
Watch from 5:23. There is no elephant (God) in the room it's the pachyderm (nature).
Yes yes we get it, everything is fiction besides your book which has talking snakes, magic and a superior being that watches over us but hey everything else is science fiction, am i right?
Amazing book. The most powerful being in the universe thought the best thing to do is leave us a book full of mistakes to convince us.