I'm not letting it go badecker. You have to admit you were proven wrong, otherwise it's pointless to debate with you if you never admit defeat. You said that scientists have no proof because ''OTHERWISE THEY WOULD HAVE'' blasted the proof all over the headlines. I showed you the headlines, therefore you were wrong, admit it, stop being a delusional prick.
Look. In the Book of Ester in the Bible, it talks about "the law of the Medes and Persians." This law was a very strong law. It said that when the king made an edict to which he affixed the seal from his signet ring, that edict could not be changed. This law is talked about in the book of Daniel, as well.
So, in Esther, when a Medes-and-Persians edict was made to kill all the Jews, how did they get around it? Not by changing the edict. They couldn't do that. It was against the law.
They did it by making another edict that was stronger and longer lasting. The second edict outlasted the first.
Why is this important to the whole universe? When God finally settled His physics laws in place, they couldn't be changed thereafter. Satan knew how this worked, so he tricked people into using the laws of physics in a wrong way so that they would die.
Because of what God is and does, even He couldn't change something (laws of physics) that He had put His strength into making. So He did something to go around it all, just like in Esther. God sent Jesus to take the punishment for all people. This means that God will-make/is-making a New Universe, with new physics, to take His people to. Why? Because this universe is being destroyed through the trick that Satan pulled that is actually destroying this universe.
This way God doesn't break the physics of this universe. But He gets the results that He wants... just like in Esther.
God has shown me the way around what you are doing. He showed me this, and I already showed it to you. It lies in the fact that headlines don't prove anything except that they exist.
I'm sure you are feeling a bit like Satan did when He found out that he had duped himself.