''We have the eye witness reports'' How do you know they are real? We cannot go back in time to verify them, can we?
But you can prove them out by using the scientific method on them, and then by:
1. Placing the correct interpretation on the results shown by the scientific method;
2. And proving them by the pleasure or pain that follows.
How exactly? You can't measure or experiment with eye witnesses, where do you even start, are you just gonna ask someone if he knows someone that knows someone, etc until god? How can you test the bible for authenticity? You can't.
In this case you can. How? By checking out this active nation that is miraculously doing what no other nation has ever done... nationally coming back from the dead after 2,000 years of silence. When you check out the importance of tradition in this nation, scientifically, you will find that scientifically, their stuff has to be accurate.
And this is only the start. There are things like fulfillment of prophesies, the facts that science is indirectly proving the creation story by nullifying its own Big Bang, no proof for evolution, and all kinds of other things that have been shown to be accurate in the Bible. Often its the hidden discoveries - hidden because when they are discovered, science wants to hide them - that are showing the bible to be true more and more. Nations all around the world have records of a worldwide flood. Standard science wants to ignore them.
''this active nation that is miraculously doing what no other nation has ever done'' What is this even supposed to mean?
''When you check out the importance of tradition in this nation, scientifically, you will find that scientifically, their stuff has to be accurate. '' What exactly can you test scientifically? Are we testing how important tradition is? What are we testing, give specifics, your talk is useless blabber.
''the facts that science is indirectly proving the creation story by nullifying its own Big Bang'' Even if the Big Bang was proven to be inaccurate that won't prove creation, that's a fallacy, thinking that disproving one option automatically makes the other the truth.
''shown to be accurate in the Bible'' Like what? Talking snakes? People coming back from the dead? What has ever been proven to be accurate in the Bible?
''Nations all around the world have records of a worldwide flood'' Exactly the opposite, no other race has records of that flood, history books never talk about a flood.