How long does it take to tear a house down? Two or three days?
Charles Darwin started the evolution religion a short time over 150 years ago - It will be interesting to see how quickly it is torn down.
Btw, the Bible religion started with writings and compilations that Moses put together, about 3,500 years ago - And the first two chapters of Genesis may go all the way back to slightly after the creation, itself, about 6,150 years ago. Look at how long Bible religion has lasted. And it is way stronger than the evolution religion.
Crash go the lies of science. Hopefully we will be able to retrieve the truthful science out of the ashes.
Religion will be obsolete in few hundred years. For small percentage of population it already is.
Comparing evolution with religion is like comparing computers and rocks.
Anyway, Earth is older than 7000 years. We have trees that are older than that.
Nope, badecker will not accept that either, what about fossils, there are fossils far older than 7000 years.
Potassium-argon dating, Argon-argon dating, Carbon-14 (or Radiocarbon), and Uranium series. All of these methods measure the amount of radioactive decay of chemical elements; the decay occurs in a consistent manner, like a clock, over long periods of time.
Thermo-luminescence, Optically stimulated luminescence, and Electron spin resonance. All of these methods measure the amount of electrons that get absorbed and trapped inside a rock or tooth over time.
Paleomagnetism. This method compares the direction of the magnetic particles in layers of sediment to the known worldwide shifts in Earth’s magnetic field, which have well-established dates using other dating methods.
Biochronology. Since animal species change over time, the fauna can be arranged from younger to older. At some sites, animal fossils can be dated precisely by one of these other methods. For sites that cannot be readily dated, the animal species found there can be compared to well-dated species from other sites. In this way, sites that do not have radioactive or other materials for dating can be given a reliable age estimate.
Molecular clock. This method compares the amount of genetic difference between living organisms and computes an age based on well-tested rates of genetic mutation over time. Since genetic material (like DNA) decays rapidly, the molecular clock method can’t date very old fossils. It’s mainly useful for figuring out how long ago living species or populations shared a common ancestor, based on their DNA.
And there are more methods, of course badecker will say all of them are false as usual.
Obviously badecker does not understand what a religion is, to call evolution a religion is to show how incredibly stupid and ignorant you are.
All methods for measuring time are based on the idea that the physics of nature have been operating like they do now, for all of time past. Since we don't know this simple thing about physics (if it always acted like it does now), there can be no factual determination about the age of the earth or universe. All the determinations are guesswork.
Written records from the past are the best example of age determination that we have. And the Bible record is by far the strongest of these.
And how is it exactly that the Bible is the strongest of these?
My proof is simply the upholding of fundamental proofs that science generally upholds and uses.
Why are you against science? God made it, and is using it to show us about Himself. But you are trying to deny it.
EDIT: Why are you constantly going off-topic about evolution? Now you are even trying to bring in other threads that are not about evolution.
How does science show that the records in the Bible are honest and true? Enlighten us.
You keep fucking talking about theories when I already explained to you what a scientific theory means, at this point I don't know if you are stupid or trolling.
Through scientific investigation of everything surrounding the coming-into-being of the Bible as it is, we see that the Bible is a miraculous work. In other words, God, Who is scientifically proven to exist, is the One Who "built" the Bible. And God is entirely factual... does not lie.
Your explanation of what scientific theory is, destroys itself. If scientific theories were any more than guesstimations... that is, if they were fact... the science community would long ago have stopped calling them theories, and started calling them scientific laws or scientific principles. So, the scientific community destroys your explanation. Anybody who believes as you do, is just as deluded as you are.
Now that we know that science theory believers are believing in something not proven, we see that they are religious in their belief. They have made science theory into religion for themselves. This includes all who believe in a faulty Wikipedia article.
Show the the scientific investigation specifically that shows the records in the bible are honest and true. What you said there was a bunch of words but no evidence whatsoever. What we see is the bible having tons of mistakes as shown here:
The word theory, in the context of science, does not imply uncertainty. It means "a coherent group of general propositions used as principles of explanation for a class of phenomena" (Barnhart 1948). In the case of the theory of evolution, the following are some of the phenomena involved. All are facts:
Life appeared on earth more than two billion years ago;
Life forms have changed and diversified over life's history;
Species are related via common descent from one or a few common ancestors;
Natural selection is a significant factor affecting how species change.
Many other facts are explained by the theory of evolution as well.
The theory of evolution has proved itself in practice. It has useful applications in epidemiology, pest control, drug discovery, and other areas (Bull and Wichman 2001; Eisen and Wu 2002; Searls 2003).
Besides the theory, there is the fact of evolution, the observation that life has changed greatly over time. The fact of evolution was recognized even before Darwin's theory. The theory of evolution explains the fact.
If "only a theory" were a real objection, creationists would also be issuing disclaimers complaining about the theory of gravity, atomic theory, the germ theory of disease, and the theory of limits (on which calculus is based). The theory of evolution is no less valid than any of these. Even the theory of gravity still receives serious challenges (Milgrom 2002). Yet the phenomenon of gravity, like evolution, is still a fact.
Creationism is neither theory nor fact; it is, at best, only an opinion. Since it explains nothing, it is scientifically useless.
Moran, Laurence. 1993. Evolution is a fact and a theory,
Isaak, Mark. 1995. Five major misconceptions about evolution,