Evolution is a process where species change and adapt for them to be able to survive. Evolution is a long process, it could take hundreds of years, centuries, or even thousands of years. Also, the scientific theory of the evolution of man does not specifically mentioned monkeys; it only mentioned that man came from "ape-like" ancestors. In addition to that, to support my above mentioned statement, according to my research, the whole process of the evolution of man took about over a period of approximately millions of years.
Nope. Noone had ever seen even in the thousands of years the appearance of any new specie anywhere on earth. What we could see is the natural selection. Yes that exist. One specie can die, and the other can adapt but still is a specie of that kind - it can breed with the the same speciments. It all comes to a taxonomy. Nowadays "evolutionists" call subspecies a new specie. There is no reason to have a subspecie taxonomy if a two speciments of subspecie can interbreed - it is still a specie. Lion is still a cat, tiger is still a cat and cat is still a cat, they all can interbreed. There is an urban legend that those species are infertile, it was proven to be false.
There are some rare instances of partial infertility proven scientificly within the so called ring species. But it is nowhere near to prove that a cat is not cat anymore for example.
Noone has ever seen evolution in action, only so called adaption and natural selection. Noone. So logical conclusion must be that it must take more than thounsands of years - millions.
That is not science. Sorry. You just can not assume something has happened because it is possible. Someone will say - hey the God theory is not a science as well. I agree. Both are not science. Period. However one or another would try, it is imposible to say you have seen something when you have not. Period.
I have not claimed I saw God either. I am only convinced based on how everything is constructed, how life works, and how everything interact with eachother. It is a waaaaaay smarter guess than the evolution if you find out the evolutionists lie and cheat.
Where are those "ape-like" ancestors? None were found. Why do people say that they saw things that they did not? It is called a patological lies, and definatly not a science.
By the way. Evolutionists love the argument that if you do not believe in evolution you must think that God had made it. No way......... There are a lot of people that say the evolution is a lie, and they are 100% atheists. I was one of such a guy. It is just easier to believe in God if you do not believe your fellow human liars, thats all. They throw a stumbling block on you.
Those kind of proponents of evolution think that when they promote their point of view they are opposed by the God. NO! They are opposed by the truth. And it so happens to be that the God is on the truth side 100% times. Coincidence?
It just proves the words of the Jesus - Know the truth and truth will set you free. What truth? That we are an apes? To the contrary - that we are not. We are a children of God.
There are a lot of people that are just afraid of freedom. They like their little confinement. Ok. Let them be. I do not mind their choices. Just do not claim your lack of perspective is the whole picture.