It is generally believed that evolution of money has passed through following six stages.
Commodity Money
Metallic Money
Paper Money
Credit Money
Electronic Money
the old ones disappeared over time when they were used together for a while.
There will be a time that when even paper is going to get extinct very soon but i am sure that it is going to be a while before that even happens but we cannot deny the fact that when paper money is completely out of the system some natural resources will be happy about the turn of events.
Very soon, new era is coming and paper money will not be used. People will
change current system and that will happen in many countries starting from
2020, they will lower cash flow and they will relay just on credit cards. Credit
cards are some form of digital money, but Blockchain will push them out
from the business soon.
Article described how that goes, systems has been changed before and same
will happen again. I see that coming in next 10 years, now information's travel
faster and changes will come faster. Everything is happening with great speed
in this century, economy has to be changed with the same speed.