I've got relatively pricey electricity. Curious what people have found as the sweet spot between sols and power consumption.
For example, I'm hitting about 400sols for a gtx 1070 at a power limit of about 68 percent. Getting the extra 50-60 something sols for 30 percent extra electricity consumption is not worth it for me.
Anyone getting a better balance?
For all of the 1070 models I've worked with, 110-120 watts seems to be the "knee" where sol/s starts dropping off fast with TDP limit.
This is going to VARY as a "percent" figure because the factory default TDP of 1070 models varies WIDELY - the lower-end ones like the FE and the Gigabyte ITX/Zotac Mini/MSI Aero Mini are 151 watts, many higher-end models are 180, and there is one MSI model with 2 power connectors and an official TDP of 240 watts (higher than most 1080 models and VERY VERY CLOSE to many 1080ti models).
"80% TDP" on a Zotac Mini is the SAME power level (give or take a fractional watt) as "50% TDP" on that MSI gaming model.
This issue also applies to GTX 1080 cards to some degree, and I believe there are GTX 1080ti cards that do not have the same default TDP as the FE cards do but I have not seen one to date.
Sweet spot on the GTX 1080 ti models I've worked with seems to be between 175 and 200 watts, very close to 4 sol/s in that entire range and doesn't start dropping off fast 'till somewhere a bit over 200 watts - but my sample size there is small, 2 "base" model Aorus and a Windforce.