
Topic: Cryptocurrency Exchange [Official Thread] - page 36. (Read 61462 times)

Activity: 15
Merit: 0
after 6 days they paid my money ok thanks i will never use exmo
Activity: 1222
Merit: 1003
hey EXMO

i got my statut of withdraw , verify from yesterday till now , nothing happend please resolve me this problem

Dear mesbah06,
Please send us the number of your ticket.
Thank you
Activity: 1222
Merit: 1003

Hi its my ticket no. 219525

21 days and Iam still waiting for my etherium withdraw

Look like they become a scam website.

We need all user to report them as a scam website if they dont reply for 7 days.

And we should also report exmo to another websites so every one will stop doing exchange with them

Dear Sabri46,
please send us the number of your ticket.
Thank you.
Your respectfully, EXMO team

Dear Sabri46,
I have information that your ticket was closed. Has your problem been solved?
Thank you
Activity: 1222
Merit: 1003
Exmo, paid for BTC on the 18th of December, says paid, sent the BTC from them, nothing hit the blockchain never got sent to other side nore did I get a TXID to track it , sat countless hours in the support chat bottom right just to get told theres nothing I can do, must wait for an Email 1 to 3 days later, im sitting now 11 days later...still nothing, what is this bullshit, do I need to go to lawyers...?

Hello TheDark,
please send us the number of your ticket. It may help us to solve your problem quickly.
Thank you
Activity: 1222
Merit: 1003
500USD got missing from my account. 2 Weeks not a single answer from EXMO support.

Dear TulioS,
Has your problem been solved?
If not, send the number of your ticket.
Thank you.
Your respectfully, EXMO team

The problem got solved. But the site seems too slow, i got 2 withdraws under verifying for more than 4 hours. Is that normal?

yesterday the site was under DDos attack. Please follow to our telegram channel for our last news
Thank you for understanding.
Your respectfully, EXMO team
Activity: 36
Merit: 0

Hi its my ticket no. 219525

21 days and Iam still waiting for my etherium withdraw

Look like they become a scam website.

We need all user to report them as a scam website if they dont reply for 7 days.

And we should also report exmo to another websites so every one will stop doing exchange with them

Dear Sabri46,
please send us the number of your ticket.
Thank you.
Your respectfully, EXMO team
Activity: 15
Merit: 0
Exmo is one of the best and top of the market ,I'm working with exmo around 2 years and I'm really happy, the service is fast ,support is great , rate is reasonable, actually the most safe platform in the net to save our funds ,trade and exchange  ,wish all the best for exmo team
Yes great support 6 days finished didn't respond. Today exmo account wrote here we will see when i can take my money.
Yes service is fast 6 days finished my withdraw didn't verify yet. i don't want to see how is slow service
Yes safe platform that i afraid for my money. Also they banned me from chat because i wrote my problem on chat. But if they can solve my problem i will not write trollbox.

Now you can say how much money you took for this sentences. Or are you exmo staff or exmo owner?
Activity: 11
Merit: 0
Exmo is one of the best and top of the market ,I'm working with exmo around 2 years and I'm really happy, the service is fast ,support is great , rate is reasonable, actually the most safe platform in the net to save our funds ,trade and exchange  ,wish all the best for exmo team
Activity: 71
Merit: 15
Stuck LTC withdrawal here; Ticket number #273749
Activity: 3
Merit: 0
hey EXMO

i got my statut of withdraw , verify from yesterday till now , nothing happend please resolve me this problem

Same here. My ticket is #272353
Activity: 34
Merit: 0

More than 4 days there is no transaction for withdrawal in the blockchain, while the status was "Paid"!
Withdraw №2321744: 21.12 14:35 -0.151 BTC Paid

Dear CRYB,
please send us the number of your ticket for quickly resolving the issue.
Thank you.
Your respectfully, EXMO team

Tickets #256072, #256614
Activity: 8
Merit: 0
hey EXMO

i got my statut of withdraw , verify from yesterday till now , nothing happend please resolve me this problem

Activity: 7
Merit: 1
Exmo, paid for BTC on the 18th of December, says paid, sent the BTC from them, nothing hit the blockchain never got sent to other side nore did I get a TXID to track it , sat countless hours in the support chat bottom right just to get told theres nothing I can do, must wait for an Email 1 to 3 days later, im sitting now 11 days later...still nothing, what is this bullshit, do I need to go to lawyers...?
Activity: 12
Merit: 0
500USD got missing from my account. 2 Weeks not a single answer from EXMO support.

Dear TulioS,
Has your problem been solved?
If not, send the number of your ticket.
Thank you.
Your respectfully, EXMO team

The problem got solved. But the site seems too slow, i got 2 withdraws under verifying for more than 4 hours. Is that normal?
Activity: 4
Merit: 0

Dear reaperisonline,
Has your problem been solved?
If not, send the number of your ticket.
Thank you.
Your respectfully, EXMO team

Inquiery 226137
waiting 18 days and 2 minutes as i type this.
Withdrawal money is missing.

Thanks for your reply Exmo, please resolve the issue.
Activity: 15
Merit: 0
4.61 bch withdrawal waiting for 18 hours. Support said to me wait for 7 days! What is going on! is exmo scam! what can i do now

Dear kimola,
please send us the number of your ticket for quickly resolving the issue.
Thank you.
Your respectfully, EXMO team

 inquiry (261391)

username arkij you can see on my balance verfying transaction
Activity: 10
Merit: 0
500USD got missing from my account. 2 Weeks not a single answer from EXMO support.

Dear TulioS,
Has your problem been solved?
If not, send the number of your ticket.
Thank you.
Your respectfully, EXMO team

Just to chime in , I also have BTC and XRP withdrawals pending. A LOT of BTC actually.

My ticket number is 272112 .
Activity: 1222
Merit: 1003

Official ExMO did not respond to my message on [email protected] about their bug.
For testing enough $ 50

Dear reddish112,
thank for your feedback.
Your respectfully, EXMO team
Activity: 1222
Merit: 1003
500USD got missing from my account. 2 Weeks not a single answer from EXMO support.

Dear TulioS,
Has your problem been solved?
If not, send the number of your ticket.
Thank you.
Your respectfully, EXMO team
Activity: 1222
Merit: 1003
Hi! The EXMO situation is getting clear. Everyone who lost ZEC transactions to EXMO is recommended to check if their EXMO wallet addresses are in the list of transactions sent to the folllowing address: This is where the funds from EXMO crypto wallets were accumulated, including my own ZEC after I sent it for fiat exchange. In fact, all of us are the victims of a theft, and EXMO actions regarding that issue look like a coverage operation. The thing is what we are going to do about it NOW.

Cитyaция пpoяcняeтcя. Bceм, ктo пoтepял cвoи пepeвoды Zec нa EXMO, peкoмeндyeтcя пpoвepить нaличиe aдpeca cвoeгo кoшeлькa нa биpжe в cпиcкe тpaнзaкций нa дaнный aдpec: . Ha нeм были aккyмyлиpoвaны cpeдcтвa c кpиптoкoшeлькoв пoльзoвaтeлeй EXMO, в чacтнocти, пocтyпившиe c мoeгo кoшeлькa cpaзy жe пocлe тoгo, кaк я пepeвeл нa нeгo дeньги для вывoдa в фиaт. Пo cyти, мы cтaли жepтвaми xищeния, a дeйcтвия EXMO выглядят кaк oпepaция пpикpытия. Boпpoc ceйчac в тoм, чтo мы бyдeм дeлaть пo этoмy пoвoдy.

Увaжaeмый пoльзoвaтeль,
кpиптoвaлютнaя плaтфopмa EXMO зaинтepecoвaнa в дoлгocpoчнoм coтpyдничecтвe co cвoими пoльзoвaтeлями и ни в кoeм cлyчae нe зaинтepecoвaнa в oпиcaнный вышe пoдoбныx oпepaцияx. Убeдитeльнaя пpocьбa кo вceм пoльзoвaтeлям oбecпeчить бeзoпacнocть cвoeгo aккayнтa нa EXMO, a тaкжe пoчтoвoгo ящикa, нa кoтopый зapeгиcтpиpoвaн aккayнт нa EXMO.   B cлyчae вoзникнoвeния вoпpocoв c вывoдoм/ввoдoм cpeдcтв, пpocим oбpaщaтьcя в cлyжбy пoддepжки. B нacтoящий мoмeнт cлyжбa пoддepжки paбoтaeт в кpyглocyтoчнoм peжимe и cтapaeтcя мaкcимaльнo coкpaтить вpeмя нa paccмoтpeниe зaявoк.
C yвaжeниeм, кoмaндa EXMO

Dear user,
The EXMO cryptocurrency platform is interested in long-term cooperation with its users and is in no way interested in the similar operations described above. It is a strong request to all users to ensure the security of their account on EXMO, as well as the mailbox for which an account is registered for EXMO. In case of questions with withdrawal /deposit of funds, please contact support. At the moment the support service works around the clock and tries to minimize the time for consideration of applications.
Sincerely, the EXMO Team
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