Since your last maintance tonight I can't trade via REST API anymore, I get the following error:
Error 40017: Wrong api keyat your news is written:
Dear users!
Due to API platform updating and changing of algorithms of interaction with secret users' keys, their automatic update has been executed.
We apologize for caused inconvenience.
Team Exmo.
you did not wrote that we have to create a new API key. Should I ?
I just generated a new API Key, but I still get the same error message.
Okay, while generating a new key, I misunderstood the generating process. When I click "Generate and save" a new key will be generated and you will alawys show the key AND secret at your website?! That is unsusal, normally at least the secret gets hidden.
So API with new key does work now. But you should improve that API screen. It is not very clear if the shwon key is the active API key, or an API key I could generate.