I knew the swap would fail long ago. The core devs cannot afford it, unless someone is willing to donate 1 bitcoin for coinexchange.io swap, and 0.2 bitcoin for tradesatoshi.
I do not like the swap for several reasons.
1. There is no guarantee the price will go up.
2. Some people do not support the swap, so experiencepoints coins will also lose supporters.
3. I like the high coin count, if I wanted a lower coin circulating supply, I would invest in a different coin.
4. The primary motivation behind the swap is greed, poeple simply want the price to go up.
5. A swapped coin is essentially a new coin altogether, except there is less support, less coins and less opportunity.
There are more...
Some things to think about, why we want the swap.
With the actual percentage staking system, big holders have a really heavy advantage against small holders due they get a much larger share of the total stakes.
The new C11 algorithm based on PivX with a pretty fair share between staking and masternode owners has a different pos system, block reward(c11,new chain)/percentage reward(sha256 algo, old chain). So what means that for the investors? Big bag holders gets less rewards while small investors will have a better share.
So beside you are not a big bag holder you should stick with the swap and to call the team greedy by change the chain to a more community friendly system is kinda irritating .
And yes, you cant make everybody happy while going through a swap. So please decide for yourself what you want and how you invest your money.
Also i would really like to step out of that fud circle you guys build up here. If you @diorthotis decide to stick to the old chain, i wish you all the best and probably where will be ways to profit from each other after swap.
So basically you want a swap because your butt hurt over people with more coins than you getting more staking rewards.
Great idea!!!!!!!