I still don't believe it ..I will believe it when the guy is locked up and everyone can see he as been in jail for 3 years at least..
I would like to see him in a interview and see what he as got to say about the whole situation ..
Remember the church for black people getting fire bombed it said vote trump on the wall well that was a black dem voter that done it..
Remember 9/11 well that was your political elite for monies..
Remember to remember the fact your political elite are scumbags FACT..
To mr Trumps don't trust no one not even your FBI top brass ..Oh we are all legit my butt hole
Yes you could have the real pretend bomber a bomb expert said on your news channels that the bombs were badly made and wouldn't do anything SO blame your CNN
FOX and the likes for putting these stories up..
We the average joe have nothing to do with this it's all the lies and murder you have done in the past and maybe still some now..
But if you done your jobs in the first place then no one would be accusing you FBI for being RAT LIARS..
The little boy who cried wolf never ever gets believed again..So it's up to you public services to act in a proper manner..
9/11 was an inside JOB 100% and 98% of the world knows this SO you got some explaining to do before anyone believes you lot..
And BLAME YOURSELF FBI CIA for all this the public doesn't believe us shit..
You have Trump haters battling each other with trump supporters and you the media spread all this CCN was all to blame because they refused to let the elected president
do his job..
If you CNN would of just said oh well may be next time and got on with your lives and let the president do his job YOU never you said we are not having him as my president.. SO YOU CNN was all to blame 100% FACT..
Remember it's the ones that don't like trump that stir up the trouble because they cannot except the loss..
Come on if you cannot except the loss it's you who is causing the trouble..