I am sure this is all just a coincidence that all these people promoting this invasion caravan stuff suddenly are all getting "bombs" in the mail, right before the elections. Gotta cast yourself as the victim just like the invasion caravan. Funny, Soros's employee was pretty ballsey moving it rather than following the standard procedure of leaving the device in place and contacting law enforcement. Of course moving an IED is a little less nerve wracking if you know it won't go off...
Also notice the FBI nor the ATF are confirming that they were ACTUAL explosive devices yet, only that they "appeared to be explosive device(s)". Since standard operating procedure is to blow up the devices, there would be little way to know if it was actually armed or not. This reeks as yet another desperate last ditch attempt to salvage midterms for the Democrats.
I wasn't expecting a conspiracy theory until at least page 3, well done.
Even Trump had the self-awareness to not go full retard before all facts are known. Most of the recipients are targets of right-wing rhetoric but largely irrelevant to Democrats. No sane person on the left gives a shit about Wasserman-Shultz or Holder or even Clinton so why would they set up such a lame conspiracy to send fake bombs to some has-beens who are not part of midterms in any way? Butthurt Bernie supporters perhaps? 2 years later?
It's more now, CNN got one and I thought I just heard Holder got one as well...
One was a addressed to Holder but had a return address of Debbie Wasserman-Shultz, so it ended up at her address.
I am sure this is all just a coincidence that all these people promoting this invasion caravan stuff suddenly are all getting "bombs" in the mail...
It truly amazes me that some people can completely dismiss multiple high profile democrats receiving bombs in the mail...
Would you dismiss it so easily if multiple republicans and Fox News got mailed bombs? I'm guessing not since I have seen your hypocrisy before
I didn't dismiss it, I said it was done for an ulterior motive, likely not even by their enemies. Also, as I said the conclusion they were actually explosive devices has not been stated by the FBI or ATF, only that they "appeared to be." As I explained the standard procedure is to blow the device in place, so chances are we will never know for sure. It could have simply been a box off unassembled components of a bomb, no one would ever be able to tell the difference after it is detonated with added explosives used to deactivate it.
When a bunch of Republicans got sent ricin a few weeks back you didn't see me here blaming Democrats over it. Also everyone knows now days these high profile people are like the 10th person to check out their mail. There was never any risk to any of them. This is exactly the kind of Hail Mary move they would make out of desperation. They constantly must fill the role of victim to sell their narrative. Also exactly the kind of movie script people who live in TV land would suck up and ask for more. In reality, things almost never have such a clear narrative.
Also all of these people are complicit in very serious federal crimes, and they know prosecution is on the way. What better way to elicit sympathy than looking like they are under physical attack as they literally call for incivility themselves, and support the mass invasion of our country. This was very carefully timed, it was not a coincidence.
Ask some simple questions like any investigator...
Who benefits from this?
Who has the ability and means to pull this off?
What does this accomplish?
What possible motivations could be behind this?
Why is the timing so close to midterm elections?
Who has traditionally occupied the rhetoric of victimization?
What could this serve to distract from?