Excuse me. Remember Rep. Steve Scalise? What about Rand Paul getting his ribs broken? The ricin in the mail? There really are so many cases of unhinged leftists losing it or calling for violence, I don't want to spam up the thread with a huge list of examples. Hey you are concluding this MUST be some one on the right attacking the left, suddenly people who disagree with you can not make similar conclusions?
You can unbunch your panties. Make any conclusions you want and I'll laugh at them any chance I get, as I would with anyone who pretends to have "opinions" and "conclusions" and rejects basic facts.
For you to suggest that Trumps QUITE REASONABLE criticism of the press is equivalent to calling for violence is juvenile. You know who has been calling for violence over and over though? The Democrats and the left.
"Enemy of the people" is not reasonable criticism. Look at how media is treated by Trump rally participants if you're in any doubt as to what's going on here.
Please, don't impose your imaginary emotional states upon me. Yeah, laugh it up, because this is a hilarious topic. You know what I am using here that you lack completely? Critical thought. You believe the world is as it presents itself and the TV tells you so, so it must be true. You act like "conspiracy theories" have never been proven true, and the media doesn't CONSTANTLY lie to us. There is nothing unreasonable about these conclusions.
Regarding your "enemy of the people quote, lets look at what he ACTUALLY said:
"The FAKE NEWS media (failing @nytimes, @NBCNews, @ABC, @CBS, @CNN) is not my enemy, it is the enemy of the American People!"
"The FAKE NEWS media (failing @nytimes, @CNN, @NBCNews and many more) is not my enemy, it is the enemy of the American people," he wrote. "SICK!"
LOOK HOW THE MEDIA IS TREATED BY TRUMP? LOL what poor poor victims. They certainly don't deserve this! The media has been totally civil and never calls for violence or makes up lies about Trump. Nope... never.
As you can see he was specifically calling FAKE NEWS the enemy of the people, but of course the media, like with everything, has to take it out of context and sell it as the most extreme angle possible. Thanks for this public demonstration on your inability to even check the source material before making a claim, and just believing what the TV says. Also for the convenient example of what Trump was talking about when he made that statement.
Reading matters. I'm laughing at Tecshare's "conclusions" (more like conspiracy theories) as well as the ridiculous assertion that I'm somehow trying to prevent said "conclusions" from being made...
Again, a hilarious topic for you I am sure. Who said you were trying to prevent anything? As I predicted it is starting to come out that the devices were not even explosive, and this was all a hoax to elicit sympathy for these people.
As a democratic supporter, I feel as though I could be next personally, if a certain individual really wanted it so.
Get over yourself. You aren't important enough for anyone to attack with bombs. You wanna talk about being afraid as an individual? Put on a MAGA hat and walk around LA, Seattle, or NY and tell me how long it takes before you are assaulted.
Unlike these victims, I don't have a security detail. They're obviously getting a basic hit-list from some place.
Oh its obvious is it? Is it even obvious they were intended to actually be targets? Nope, the FBI and ATF will not even say the devices were explosive, only that they "appeared to be explosive". Watch this little detail get glossed over again and again and the story fades to black as people find new pictures of Kim Kardashian's butt.
Now, onto the actual perpetrator. The hit-list comes from Trump himself, as so far, only the individuals targeted have criticized them. The victims are all registered democrat voter, as far as I'm aware. There were political and cultural people victims.
It comes from Trump himself now directly does it? I mean really, what are you doing wasting your time here, you should be working at the FBI with those investigative skills to have figured this out so quickly with zero information related. You don't think it is at all coincidental that these people are largely irrelevant, EXCEPT for the fact that they are a perfect little sample summary of people Trump has criticized?
A few questions; was this a state-sanctioned act? is America under attack?
Sadly, without evidence, we can't even rule this out. It's obviously an internal attack, and I'm sure our borders are safe. I don't feel as though it'd be a nation-state level of events, even though Putin does hate some of these individuals (including Clinton).
Is it really obvious though, or are you just drawing conclusions that fit your narrative and filling in the gaps as you go? Yes, our borders are TOTALLY safe xD right. Now you are making assumptions about who Putin hates (based on nothing but your confirmation bias ofc).
I don't really follow right wing extremist (eg. Alex Jones) but I know of it. I know there was calling of violence, anger, hate, pretty much everything that breeds political incitement.
He never called for violence. This is again just another example of parroting what you see on TV without checking any source material. If you think I am wrong, please do find me an unedited, un-cropped, quote of his calls for violence on video. However I know you can't because it doesn't exist.
The targets are democrats that haven't been mentioned in months by moderate left media....I'm not sure about the moderate left or right to be honest. I think they're mostly keeping their heads down and staying out of it. I'd like to rule those people out.
Yep, quite interesting so much supposed rage would be focused on largely irrelevant people isn't it?
Now, looking at the evidence, we can probably assume the individual was a right-wing extremist with mental issues. A meth-head with a stolen laptop searches internet bomb and prints off a couple labels, drops them off at random sections, and them damned evil doers will be dead.
Oh can you? Can you assume? A meth head trying to build a bomb is only going to have one result, horrible catastrophic failure. If you think it is THAT easy to build mail bombs then you should go back to watching 24 or something.
Anyway, until the FBI releases more details, I'm making the assumption it's some rural meth addicted right wing extremist executing his wild aggressive fantasies without regard to reality. My assumption could be wrong pretty quickly if all of a sudden political allies to Trump were targeted next, not individuals that he has attacked.
Yeah, because this meth head you have in your imaginations, he is smart enough to coordinate a national level organized attack without being immediately caught, but not smart enough to know that these people don't even open their own mail. Yeah. Ok. This is an extremely odd and skilled meth head you have here.