
Topic: (°_°) Falun Gong - 法輪功, A racist and sexist cult \(^o^)/ - page 7. (Read 7984 times)

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CECC Testimony and Q&A - Miss World Canada 2015
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against religion freedom such as the case against Falungong

There is no religion in 法輪功.

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A 100% example of flooding and off topic.

not off topic but vice versa!!!

 mainland china government use state power systematically against religion freedom such as the case against Falungong , against christian church etc, further more against multi-culture such as in Tibet, Xinjiang, southern mongolia

if you said this is off topic, the only thing that means you call black white!!!
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A 100% example of flooding and off topic.
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 what a joke.

Respond to topic question on racism.
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New Xinyi chief applauded for arrest of activists

By Chi-hao James Lo, The China Post
March 7, 2015, 12:01 am TWN

TAIPEI, Taiwan -- Taipei's newly appointed Xinyi District police precinct chief Wu Jing-tian (吳敬田) yesterday made a striking first impression to citizens by ordering the arrest of several pro-unification Concentric Patriotic Association of the R.O.C. (CPAROC, 愛國同心會) members as his first official command.

After formally assuming his post the day before, Wu reportedly increased the security around Taipei 101 to prevent the CPAROC from harassing Falun Gong practitioners, as the organization has been known to do.

At around 3 p.m. yesterday, three CPAROC members, including the organization's most outspoken and prominent public member Zhang Xiuye (張秀葉), were arrested by officers for obstruction of justice.

Prior to taking his current office, Wu had publicly told press that he will fully commit to his appointed position and uphold the law, even toward the members of the infamous organization.

The CPAROC have been known to constantly conduct protests in small numbers at a designated spot within the premises of the Taipei 101 building. Though few in number during their appearances, the CPAROC usually make their way into national news due to their violent acts toward Falun Gong practitioners, as well as verbal abuse toward those who disagree with them. Certain members of the CPAROC have also been caught being physically and verbally violent toward the police.

Most recently, the organization caught the attention of local media again when Taipei Mayor Ko Wen-je (柯文哲) openly warned former Xinyi police chief Lee Te-wei (李德威) of the latter's potential removal should violent acts from the CPAROC be caught on camera again.

As such, Wu's order to arrest the three members yesterday has been speculated to be an act aimed at impressing the mayor.

CPAROC Arrest Generally Praised

The arrest also marked the first time members of the organization have been arrested following a prolonged period of widely condemned demonstrations.

Reportedly, the three members were first warned by police that they were breaking parking regulations. However, following violent retaliation, Zhang and her fellow members were arrested by police officers from the Xinyi precinct.

Though the arrest came with various theories regarding the new precinct chief and the mayor, the act was widely received positively by Taipei citizens and netizens alike.

While no passersby stopped by to help or support any of the CPAROC members, netizens flooded various forums proclaiming Wu's superiority over his predecessor. Netizens also said that Wu is a very just chief for finally apprehending a menace that has been bringing shame to the public image of Taipei for years.
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Calls Grow to Free Tortured Rights Lawyer Ahead of U.N. Review

Dissident rights lawyer Gao Zhisheng, who remains under house arrest since his release from prison in August 2014, has been denied permission by the Chinese police to see a dentist for treatment after losing teeth to torture -- for reasons of 'national security.'

Gao was prevented earlier this week from traveling to Xi'an, provincial capital of the northern province of Shaanxi, by Chinese state security police, burst into his cave-home on Tuesday, the founder of Christian rights website ChinaAid, Bob Fu, told RFA.

"On Nov. 10, three state security police officers burst into Gao's cave to threaten him," Fu said. "The point of this was to stop him from leaving the area [and traveling to Xi'an]."

"It seems that even his teeth are a matter of national security after all that torture he went through," Fu said. "I would like to call on the Chinese government to grant Gao his full liberty and allow him to return to his home in Beijing, and to seek medical treatment."

In a Nov. 3 letter to Fu, Gao had said he needed urgent dental treatment owing to damage caused by torture in 2009.

"If teeth have emotions, then being my teeth is really unbearable," Gao wrote, in an English translation of the letter posted on the ChinaAid website.

"Especially in 2009, these teeth experienced surprising and startling pain. When I was secretly jailed at a military site, I was tortured by the same group of men who carried out my torture in September 2007," he said.

Repeated beatings

During that time, Gao was handcuffed and a black hood placed over his head, before being repeatedly beaten.

"At that time, my body could no longer feel pain," he wrote to Fu. "My awareness was also fuzzy and too much to bear, but I still remember hot mucus flowing out from my mouth. The pain my teeth were subjected to was great."

Gao has remained defiant, however, hitting out at the ruling Chinese Communist Party's treatment of him in a Nov. 10 letter translated and posted on the rights website

"Despite all that has passed, I exist—this is a fact," he wrote. "Not only that, but at the current time I have neither the ability nor the wish to change this fact."

"Right now, the big problem staring at you in the face is this: there is just no way to get rid of me—you’ve come to realize this, too, through ten years of trying to," the letter said.

Gao, who has spent much of his time reading since his release from jail last year, is still denied any freedom of movement, and has been warned by local authorities in a number of places not to try settling there, he said.

He said there appeared to be no good reason for a recent raid on his home.

"The most absurd part of it all was when I snapped 'What are you doing here?' and those three big men had nothing to say for themselves. They didn’t actually know the point of their intrusion into my home," Gao wrote.

"'I’ll go and ask the leader,' one of them said, running outside to make a phone call."

Gao said the police were apparently acting on orders from Beijing, rather than their own initiative.

Gao's letters come ahead of an appraisal by the United Nations Committee against Torture of China’s implementation of the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, scheduled for Nov. 17-18.

The Chinese Human Rights Defenders (CHRD) network, which compiles and translates reports from groups inside China, this week accused Beijing of a systematic failure to prevent torture.

"In China, torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment and punishment remain persistent and widespread," the group said in a statement.

Torture still common

In a detailed report to the U.N., CHRD said that investigation and criminal prosecution of torture suspects is rare, and victims seeking compensation can face official reprisals.

Based on more than 2,300 cases dating from January 2012 to June 30, the report found that torture and other forms of mistreatment "are especially common in cases involving individuals whose views, speech, religious beliefs, or rights defense work are deemed threatening by the Chinese Communist Party."

Once a prominent lawyer lauded by the Communist Party, Gao began to be targeted by the authorities after he defended some of China's most vulnerable people, including Christians, coal miners and followers of the banned Falun Gong spiritual movement.

In 2006, Beijing authorities arrested Gao and handed him a three-year jail term for "inciting subversion" that was later suspended for five years. But during the following five years, Gao had repeatedly suffered forced disappearances and torture.

He is currently under 24-hour surveillance by state security police after spending a year at the home of his wife's parents in the northwestern region of Xinjiang.

Gao's wife Geng He fled China with the couple's two children after her husband "disappeared" for more than a year, arriving in the United States with the couple's two children in 2009.

Reported by Qiao Long for RFA's Mandarin Service, and by Hai Nan for the Cantonese Service. Translated and written in English by Luisetta Mudie.
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published by asingh on Tue, 08/14/2012 - 16:41
He is anti-gay and teaches that homosexuals will be "eliminated" by "the gods."
He preaches that children from multicultural unions have lost their roots and will never be recognized as a human race.
If you challenge his teachings or question his beliefs you will be repeatedly subjected to personal attacks, threats of litigation and frivolous lawsuits by his followers.
Welcome to the Falun Gong or Falun Dafa, who’s benign and sympathy seeking face as a heavily persecuted meditative practice is actually a façade for the intolerant, homophobic and racist teachings of its leader Li Hongzhi, say critics.
Now the Falun Gong movement which claims over 100 million followers worldwide, including thousands in Canada, is seeking a spot in the Canadian Museum for Human Rights when it opens in 2014 in Winnipeg.
Falun Gong followers led by University of Manitoba social work professor Maria Cheung claim that China, which has outlawed the cult movement, has silenced, jailed and used body parts of the movements’ practitioners for illegal organ transplants.
"Since the museum for human rights is a museum for the future, to prevent the atrocities that have happened and (are) happening, the Falun Gong experiences are valuable to human rights education," Cheung was quoted as saying in the Winnipeg Free Press.
“You might as well put Hitler and his Nazis in that museum, if you are going to put the Falun Gong in there,” retorted Vancouver-based newspaper publisher Harbinder Singh Sewak, who has been looking into the movements’ teachings and motivations for the last four years.
Sewak, who publishes the award-winning Asian Pacific Post, South Asian Post and Filipino Post newspapers, plans to expose the “inner workings” of the Falun Gong movement in a much-anticipated freedom-of-speech trial scheduled to be heard in the B.C. Supreme Court later this month.
The case in B.C. revolves around an article about a theatre-and-dance production that claims to showcase Chinese culture. The story — entitled “Dancing to their own tune” — said the show by the Divine Performing Arts company had been targeted by the Chinese government because it is founded by and affiliated with Falun Gong practitioners.
It was to be published in the Asian Pacific Post edition of January 8, 2009 by Sewak’s regular printer Frank Cui, a Falun Gong adherent.
Cui, the manager of Epoch Press and his workers who are also Falun Gong followers did not like the story’s “balanced” approach. They did not want readers to see the Chinese government’s views of the Falun Gong. They wanted to control the content and said they had a “legal right” to do it, according to Sewak’s lawsuit.
Cui allegedly refused to release the edition of the paper from the print shop and hijacked the print run after Sewak refused to let him change the story.
Cui in an e-mailed press statement to the media later said: “Unfortunately, news reporters feel that they must ‘balance’ stories about Falun Gong or events they are involved in by adding the bad words or opinions from the CCP [Chinese Communist Party], but in my feeling, between victim and perpetrator there can never be any neutrality or balance.”
Sewak said his right to free speech has been suppressed by Cui and the Falun Gong followers involved in the incident.
“You can’t complain about not having freedom of the press in China and then turn around and suppress the same freedoms in Canada,” said Sewak.
Frank Cui, when contacted said: "I cannot say anything, it is already in this process. Better not talking. I'm sorry I cannot talk too much."
Sewak said he has received legal letters from lawyers for the Falun Dafa Association of Canada, the Falun Dafa Association of Vancouver, pro-Falun Gong broadcaster New Tang Dynasty Television Canada, and the Divine Performing Arts Company. The entities say they are not in any way responsible for the actions of the Burnaby-based printer and his staff at Epoch Press.
But Sewak believes that all of them in some form or manner influenced the motivations by Cui to hijack his paper.
“The Falun Gong belief system is at the centre of this case…one of their core principals is not to provide a platform for people who criticize their leader…and that is the reason they hijacked my paper,” he said.
Sewak realizes he has an uphill battle as he is currently acting without a lawyer.
Cui, on the other hand, is using an expensive, blue-chip legal team from Heenan Blaikie, to defend his right to kill news stories that he deems unfavorable.
Heenan Blaikie, ironically, counts in its ranks former prime minister turned millionaire-lobbyist, Jean Chretien, who has been declared “China’s best friend in Canada” for his unabashed sinophilia and frequent pilgrimages to meet China’s top dogs, some of whom Falun Gong followers blame for their persecution.
Sewak plans to use reports by international experts, including cult expert Rick Ross in the upcoming trial.
Ross has said when Falun Gong founder Li Hongzhi talks about “Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance,” neither he nor his followers actually demonstrate any tolerance concerning critical questions or inquiry.
Within Falun Gong, Li’s followers are not allowed to question the basic assumptions of the group and criticism from outsiders is often characterized as “persecution”, states Ross, who has been accepted as an expert witness across the United States in numerous court cases.
Ross is especially critical of Li Hongzhi’s encouragement of hatred towards gays (Volume II of Zhuan Falun, the movement’s bible which was translated into English in 1996) and his depiction of the children of mixed-race couples as “intellectually incomplete”.
Another expert is Maria Chang of the University of Nevada, who wrote a book about the Falun Gong, said the movement treats organizations it has created as front components to influence public opinion through propaganda campaigns.
“Canada will know the real Falun Gong when this case goes to trial,” said Sewak, who has been recognized for his multicultural campaign to foster ties between the Canadian military and the Sikh community.
Falun Gong’s dark side
The Falun Gong or Falun Dafa movement which claims to be a non-political meditative practise is outlawed by China, which describes it as a cult whose leaders have caused the deaths of many of its followers and collected tens of millions of dollars worldwide.
While the movement claims it has no structural hierarchy, Falun Gong websites state it has gathered over 100 million followers since its inception in 1992 by Li Hongzhi — a former trumpet-player from northeast China who is known as “Living Buddha” to his devotees and an evil charlatan to his critics.
The reclusive Li — who has been variously described as an anti-Chinese doomsday cult leader, head of a sinister organization and a spiritual master - apparently also can fly, believes that Africa has a two billion-year-old nuclear reactor, and that aliens who look human but have “a nose made of bone” invaded Earth to introduce modern technology.
In Li’s world view, mixed-race people are part of a plot, contrived by the evil extraterrestrials. "By mixing the races of humans, the aliens make humans cast off gods," he told a gathering in Switzerland in 1998.
"Mixed races" are supposedly excluded from the "truth" and "have lost their roots, as if nobody in the paradise will take care of them. They belong to nowhere, and no places would accept them . . . the higher levels do not recognize such a human race."
According to Mr. Li, the offspring of mixed race unions are therefore "intellectually incomplete" or "with an incomplete body." In such cases, only he, Master Li, can help and "take care of it" (i.e. resolve the "incomplete" state). However, that can be done only if "such a person wants to practice cultivation."
Li Hongzhi also encourages hatred of homosexuals. "The disgusting homosexuality shows the dirty abnormal psychology of the gay who has lost his ability of reasoning at the present time," Li Hongzhi wrote in Volume II of Zhuan Falun, or Turning the Law Wheel, which was translated into English in 1996.
In his talk in Switzerland, Li Hongzhi also stated that gay people would be "eliminated" by "the gods." Asked in Frankfurt, Germany, in 1998 whether gays could practice Falun Gong, Mr. Li answered, "You can cultivate, but you must give up the bad conduct."
Earlier this year, Canada’s Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner, Mary Dawson, warned MPs not to accept tickets to a Las Vegas-style show being staged across the country by the Falun Gong group.
She believes that the free tickets being offered for the Shen Yun show by the Falun Dafa Association of Canada and its affiliates maybe an attempt by the group to influence Canadian politicians.‘canada-will-know-real-falun-gong-when-case-goes-trial.html
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but where is your ex-boss?  

Where is Li Dayong "Quit the CCP"?
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Law360, New York (August 31, 2015, 5:14 PM ET) -- A California federal judge refused Monday to vacate a ruling that Falun Gong practitioners failed to show Cisco Systems Inc. knowingly provided surveillance systems that the Chinese government used to persecute the religious group, holding a recent Ninth Circuit decision also asserting the Alien Tort Statute didn’t change his opinion.
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The 2001 Pulitzer Prize Winners
International Reporting

Wall Street Journal logo
Ian Johnson

In order of appearance in the original entry
April 20, 2000 A Deadly Exercise
April 25, 2000 Defiant Falun Dafa Members Converge on Tiananmen
May 8, 2000 China Tells U.N. It Did No Wrong in Death of Falun Gong Member
May 10, 2000 U.N. Panel Faults China for Policies Leading to Torture
August 25, 2000 Brother Li Love
October 2, 2000 Paper Chase
October 9, 2000 Falun Dafa Members File Suit Over Crackdown Against Group
November 22, 2000 U.N. Helps Sponsor China Conference on 'Evil Cults'
December 13, 2000 A Blind Eye
December 26, 2000 Death Trap
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610 Office
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Central Leading Group on Dealing with the Falun Gong
Agency overview
Formed   June 1999
Jurisdiction   China
Headquarters   Beijing
Agency executive   
Liu Jinguo, Director of the Office (2012-2015)
Parent agency   Central Committee of the Communist Party of China[1]
The 610 Office is a security agency in the People's Republic of China. Named for the date of its creation on June 10, 1999,[2] it was established for the purpose of coordinating and executing the persecution of Falun Gong.[1] Because it is a Communist Party-led office with no formal legal mandate, it is sometimes described as an extralegal organisation.[1][3] The 610 Office is the implementation arm of the Central Leading Group on Dealing with the Falun Gong (CLGDF),[4] also known as the Central Leading Group on Dealing with Heretical Religions.[1]

The central 610 Office has traditionally been headed by a high-ranking member of the Communist Party's Politburo Standing Committee, and it frequently directs other state and party organs in the anti-Falun Gong campaign.[1][4] It is closely associated with the powerful Political and Legislative Affairs Committee of the Communist Party of China. Local 610 Offices are also established at provincial, district, municipal and neighborhood levels, and are estimated to number approximately 1,000 across the country.[5]

The main functions of the 610 Offices include coordinating anti-Falun Gong propaganda, surveillance and intelligence collection, and the punishment and "reeducation" of Falun Gong adherents.[1][6][7] The office is reportedly involved in the extrajudicial sentencing, coercive reeducation, torture, and sometimes death of Falun Gong practitioners.[1][7]

Since 2003, the 610 Office's mission has been expanded to include targeting other religious and qigong groups deemed heretical or harmful by the Communist Party (CCP), though Falun Gong remains its main priority.[1]
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 what a joke.

it runs by so-called 610 office from mainland china police headquarter

but where is your ex-boss?   Zhou yongkang,  or,  Li DONGSHENG ß

Both in jail, right?

you are the next
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Activity: 406
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Shut up all of you! - Issue on Freedom of Speech

"In Western countries, Falun Gong used attack and prosecution as means to protect its benefits, never feeling ashamed.
In November 1998, the BBC World released a report by Correspondent James Miles about Falun Gong. The report pointed out that Falun Gong is "No.1 Cult" in China and warned people that Falun Gong would lead to "Collective Suicide". Falun Gong supporters wrote to CEO of BBC, the British Ambassador to China and the British Prime Minister respectively, demanding for BBC's public apology. "The reaction was quite extraordinary," said Miles later, "More response than to any article I've ever written in my entire career."
On November 3, 2001, the La Presse Chinoise published an article criticizing Falun Gong. The article is a self-statement by a former female Falun Gong follower named He Bing. A number of Falun Gong supporter lodged a lawsuit against the newspaper for its "libel". On December 7, 2005, the Supreme Court of Quebec of Canada came to the final verdict of the case after four years: the plaintiff Falun Gong lost the lawsuit. The verdict pointed out, "Falun Gong is a controversial movement, which does not accept criticism." "

"In December 2003, the Australian Chinese Daily published a declaration by Chinese Embassy in Australia against Falun Gong. In May 2004, Falun Gong lodged a lawsuit at the Supreme Court of New South Wales against the newspaper for its "libel". Afterwards, Falun Gong made use of its own media to widely attack the Chinese Daily and made personal attacks on the newspaper's editor-in-chief and other editors. On April 5, 2006, the Supreme Court of NSW of Australia ruled that Falun Gong lost the lawsuit while Chinese Daily won.
On January 21, 2005, the Associated Press published an article entitled "Chinese Show Off Repentant Falun Gong", which objectively reported the status quo of the participants of the Tian'anmen Square self-immolation incident on the Chinese New Year's Eve and their reflections on Falun Gong. On the morning of January 25, Falun Gong organized a group of people to demonstrate before the office building where the Associated Press headquarters were located in Manhattan of New York, demanding that the AP withdraw the report. On February 11, Epoch Times, of Falun Gong, published an article calling the AP "down-to-earth small bastard".
The Great Wall Platform cooperated with Rogers Company in scrupulously selecting 9 representative channels from 17 channels of the American Great Wall Platform. The Rogers Cable agent is left to apply with the CRTC for the entitlement to the program trans-broadcasting. Such a local Chinese cultural and recreational affair was obstructed by Falun Gong by all means. Between March and June of 2006, Falun Gong organized its members for many times to demonstrate before the Rogers' headquarter in Toronto, which severely affected the normal running of Rogers Company. On December 22, 2006, the Great Wall Platform gained permission to open its business in Canada. "

On February 6, 2008, the New York Times published a feature entitled "A Glimpse of Chinese Culture that Some Find Hard to Watch". Afterwards, over 10 articles were released on the website of Falun Gong to attack and frame New York Times and the author of the article Eric Konigberg. The articles claimed that Eric Konigsberg was well known by his ill reputation… and was absolutely inhuman.
In the view of Falun Gong, no one or no medium enjoys the right to criticize Falun Gong. According to the top order of Li Hongzhi, any criticism on Falun Gong is defaming Dafa and cannot be tolerated.
(China Association for Cultic Studies, May, 2008)
Download The Article:
03 你们都闭嘴!-2100.doc
03 Shut Up All of You!.doc
03 ?Cállaos todos!.doc
03 Taisez-vous tous !.doc
03 Прикусите язык!.doc
03 Halt den Mund!.doc

In the view of Falun Gong, no one or no medium enjoys the right to criticize Falun Gong. According to the top order of Li Hongzhi, any criticism on Falun Gong is defaming Dafa and cannot be tolerated.
(China Association for Cultic Studies, May, 2008)

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Sucking the ‘De’ Out of Me:

How an Esoteric Theory of Persecution and Martyrdom

Fuels Falun Gong’s Assault on Intellectual Freedom


James R. Lewis

Professor of Religious Studies

UiT—The Arctic University of Norway
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Falun Gong, A racist and sexist cult

king wu

bullet   According to the New York Times, Li Hongzhi said that: "...interracial children are the spawn of the 'Dharma Ending Period,' a Buddhist phrase that refers to an era of moral degeneration. In an interview last year, he said each race has its own paradise, and he later told followers in Australia that, 'The yellow people, the white people, and the black people have corresponding races in heaven.' As a result, he said, interracial children have no place in heaven without his intervention."

As noted below, homosexuality is degenerate behavior, on a par with sexual promiscuity.
Beliefs about homosexuality:

The Falun Gong movement appears to treat homosexuality -- presumably homosexual behavior not homosexual orientation -- as a degenerate behavior, on a par with sexual promiscuity:

Founder and current leader Li Hongzhi delivered a lecture in Sydney, Australia in 1996. 7 In it, he made a passing reference to homosexuality:
"A lot of people have done many bad deeds. Things such as organized crime, homosexuality, and promiscuous sex, etc., none are the standards of being human."

My name is Samuel Luo and my parents are both Falun Gong practitioners who have been hurt and exploited by this cult. Among the many harms done to them, I have been seriously concerned that they have refused needed medical treatment. In 2002, my step-father initially refused help when he had a stroke and he has suffered painful gout attacks unnecessarily for five years. He did so because he was being brainwashed into believing that Li Hongzhi, the founder and leader of this cult has the power to cure illnesses and taking medicine is counter productive.

Lord Lucan

The simplistic anti-government propganda of the FLG is so trite, and so blindingly obvious to any Chinese person that it could only be for foreign consumption.  :roll: I suspect the China end of the FLG is a cynical manipulation by overseas elements to create a persecution complex among members using Chinese (fuck it, there's plenty of them) as the victims.
And it is disgusting. Screw the FLG. And screw all these  fuckwits in the West blindly supporting something they know absolutely nothing about, nor have no experience of.
Give your money/support to HRW China or something, or reporters san frontiers of something, but save us from the FLG!

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 Li Hongzhi promotes racism —
for instance by claiming that there are different heavens for believers from different races.
While practitioners reportedly include gays, lesbians and bi-sexuals, Hongzhi’s expressed views regarding homosexuality are considered homophobic. During a lecture in Australia he mentioned ” organized crime, homosexuality, and promiscuous sex,” saying “none are the standards of being human.”

Li Hongzhi, Lecture in Sydney, 1996,
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