There is one entry that needs to be corrected - this interval has already been taken:
A4Tech +3.51 to +3.75% everyone review your entries and let me know if you find anything that's missing or incorrect.
This is the last update before the deadline, so be careful when you post your guesses - I might not be able to warn you if something is wrong.
Deadline is
04:00 (4 AM) UTC March 1st, 2015.
To avoid time zone confusion - here is a countdown: anything starting with -3.51% and below is still available
wayneyoyo -3.26 to -3.50%
TheAnalogKid -3.01 to -3.25%
--- -2.76 to -3.00% is still available
Window2Wall -2.51 to -2.75%
davejh -2.26 to -2.50%
tarmi -2.01 to -2.25%
--- -1.76 to -2.00% is still available
RoadStress -1.51% to -1.75%
--- -1.26 to -1.50% is still available
philipma1957 -1.01 to -1.25%
valkir -0.76 to -1.00%
--- -0.26 to -0.50% and -0.51% to -0.75% are still available
jmumich -0.01 to -0.25%
--- 0.00% is still available - DOUBLE REWARD!
Jamphone +0.01 to +0.25%
cryptokc +0.26% to +0.50%
--- +0.51% to +1.50% are still available (4 intervals)
SunnyIgor +1.51% to +1.75%
tss +1.76% to +2.00%
Kexkey +2.01 to +2.25%
ScryptAsic +2.26 to +2.50%
buyandhold +2.51 to +2.75%
Swordsoffreedom +2.76 to +3.00%
SimplisticStu +3.01 to +3.25%
Biodom +3.26 to +3.50%
Korbman +3.51% to +3.75%
tlhIlwI +3.76 to +4.00%
HerbPean +4.01 to +4.25%
mavericklm +4.26 to +4.50%
armedmilitia +4.51 to +4.75%
Quickseller +4.76 to +5.00%
RedhatCAT +5.01 to +5.25%
Ume +5.26% to +5.50%
zebedee +5.51 to +5.75%
--- +5.76% to +6.00% and +6.01% to +6.25% are still available
tertius993 +6.26 to +6.50%
notlist3d +6.51 to +6.75%
--- +6.76% to +7.75% are still available (4 intervals)
ezeminer +7.76 to +8.00%
--- +8.01% to +19.75% are still available (a huge number of intervals, I'm to lazy to count them)
DivineEruptus +19.76 to +20.00%
--- +20.01% and above are all still available
There is one entry that needs to be corrected - this interval has already been taken:
A4Tech +3.51 to +3.75%