>> UPDATE <<
Hi All,
Saturdays are never a dull day at Fibre!!
BlockCypher Crowd FundingAs some of you may be aware, the final stage on our roadmap is to implement Block Cypher. Block Cypher will take the Fibre Block Chain and move it a secure, scalable and resiliant infrastructure in the cloud. This will allow us to develop some very innovation applications. Multi Sig, Multi Wallets, Lite wallets, Web based wallets, Mobile Wallets, Facebook Wallets are all made possible with BlockCypher. Fibre is run like an enterprise IT department, so why not have an enterprise grade infrastructure supporting fibre. The cost of BlockCypher is 6,000 USD so about 12BTC. We will be using a trusted community member or Block Cypher themselves to Escrow the donation funds. This is to give our community security and to prevent scam accusation fuding.
To show our commitment and the fact we are all one. Team fibre will be donating 0.25btc per team member, 1btc in total. I hope anyone that has profited from the rise of Fibre will do the same. Having Block Cypher will take Fibre to the next level, all the crazy prices quoted by the community will become a reality.
The Crow funding will start at 5pm BST (GMT+1) on 08/09/14
I promise you that block cypher will allow Fibre to have some of the most innovative features in any of the Alt Coins. Which leads on to our next announcement...................
HTML5 WalletI have secured a deal with
True_Asset of URO Coin, a HTML5 Web wallet will be ready for launch of block cypher. The Web wallet will be based on his NURO Wallet code, please see below. This is a massive deal for Fibre and will only accelerate the donations received for the Crowd Funding. We will be able to brand the wallet as we see fit, e.g FibreWeb WebFibre etc. This decision will be made by the FibreBoard. The nuro wallet also has a facebook module that will also see a Facebook wallet follow shortly afterwards.
The NURO platform works on all smartphones, tablets and PCs, and can be published on Google Play, the Apple App Store, Windows Store, Windows Phone Store, Chrome Web Store, Tizen Store, Amazon Appstore, Firefox Marketplace, NOOK Apps and the Facebook App Center. This will give Fibre an unprecedented reach.
Please see some of the features it brings to consumers:
- Accounts are accessible on all devices simultaneously, anywhere in the world.
- Unlimited free accounts for funds separation (e.g. savings, cheque, investment, retirement).
- Accounts can be opened by anyone, with no paperwork or no application process.
- Lowers transaction processing times from days to minutes compared to traditional internet
banking solutions. - Transactions are processed 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, even during public holidays.
- Convenient payment request creation via QR code, email and SMS.
- Zero Knowledge Privacy (ZKP) technology completely avoids the storage and
transmission of usernames, passwords and PIN codes. This ensures the user’s credentials are
never eavesdropped or stolen, even when the server is compromised. - Open source code ensures independently verifiable security to avoid possible hidden
vulnerabilities, trust issues and other risks associated with commercial closed-source
financial products. - Employs BlockCypher (blockcypher.com) cloud architecture to reduce loading times from
20 seconds to 2 seconds compared to the standard “blockchain” wallets. - Includes capability to support point-of-sale and fiat currency exchange solutions.[/b][/i]
Please have a look at the NURO wallet to see how powerful it is.
Try it now.
http://nuroapp.github.io/The Ann
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/nuro-a-revolutionary-wallet-modeled-after-traditional-internet-banking-uis-739689Road Map UpdateFibreOS (Provional Release Date: 13/09/14)FibreOS is nearing completion, we hope to have it with the Private beta testers early next week. If all of the testing is successful we hope to launch on the saturday (13/09/14). Anyone with a PC or laptop will be able to use FibreOS. FibreOS running from a USB will act as true cold storage, your coins will follow you wherever you go. All traffic is routed via TOR giving the user increased anonymity. When you unplug your USB stick no trace is left on the host PC.
Tor SupportWe have TOR support fully integrated into the Fibre Wallet. However at this time it would require a hard fork to update the network. Bobby6Killers is working on it and hopes to have an alternative solution that does not require a hardfork. This is another decision that will be made by the board. Should we find a solution, we will release TOR support strait away.
XC Mixer
We are making really good progress on implementing the XC mixer into the Fibre source code, this may not need to be crowd funded if we can implement it our selfs. We would love to have Dan Metcalf come in and implement the latest XC mixer, but he is not cheap and im sure he is very busy. These decisions will be made once the board is in affect.
FibreBoardFor those that are not aware, Fibre will be the first digital currency to have an Advisory Board formed from it's community that actually have the power to make a difference. The FibreBoard will be made up of 17 community members that have more than 15,000 Fibre. Myself, Bobby6Killers and Krushang are auto entry, so 20 members in total. The FibreBoard will collectively make decisions on the future of Fibre and which features should be implemented. All major decisions affecting Fibre will be voted on by the board. The board members will be selected based on various metrics with commitment thus far being the major one.
Applications will open tomorrow, please keep an eye on the thread.
This day will go down in history..........
** The rules will be further defined once the board members are selected.