I also do not think alcohol will be banned completely in the sports arena, but I do expect it to happen on some special occasions, like what we saw in Qatar last year, but I believe there won't be such ban in 2026 world cup, being that USA, Canada, Mexico, are countries that are known for high standards, and I believe the citizens are more civilized than citizens of most other countries, coupled with their tight security system, making sure all go Well shouldn't be a hassle, even with alcohol present in the stadium.
Even for the 2026 World Cup, I don't think that alcoholic beverages other than beer will be available at the stadiums. And ever since I have started watching football, I have never witnessed any issue related to alcohol during the matches. In western nations, people know how to behave themselves after taking alcohol. And in the third world nations, there is a blanket ban on such beverages. Anyway, I am of the opinion that the authorities should not tell to ordinary people what they should eat or drink. Whether or not to consume alcohol should be a decision to be made by the fans themselves.