Speaking of which, why do lighthouses tend to be built on tall cliffs/rocks and tend to be tall towers? Doesn't make sense on flat earth.
So the confusion in your mind (implied but not established) about how perspective works somehow discredits a horizon greater than ten miles away, when it can only be three on a globe?
None of this perspective bullshit matters for a lighthouse. On flat earth you would have a direct line of sight to the light on top of the lighthouse whether it's placed right on the beach or 100 feet above sea level.
Seems like people hundreds of years ago figured out something that you still can't grasp today. Yes, I know, oven, rope, etc. Can I jump off a cliff next to a lighthouse?
You're a fucking retarded idiot (or more likely a liar) that can't/won't understand perspective (and convergence) on a plane.
It should be fucking obvious to anybody that you've change the quoted subject from proof and distance to the horizon to another topic in an attempt to derail and confuse the situation. You really need to go kill yourself for being a retarded idiot or an intellectually dishonest sack of shit whatever the case may be.
All these fucking people claiming the globe, their response to proof the earth is flat is changing the subject and gas-lighting the shit out of you.
You realize you spend way too much time in here instead of real life and you are not even getting anything from it.