I don't need to guess. The sextant tells me the distance is 240,000 miles.
Can you show me documented evidence of this?
It's Vod's word vs. the angle read off of a sextant, who has more credibility? Vod has the irrefutable word of NASA to call upon, the ultimate proof from the most credible source in all of existence that's vetted by every scientific authority on earth. The sextant reading on the other hand is clearly observational error on the part of the operator, amirite?
It appears the gimp Vod who tells us to just believe the scientists because they know better is now an expert in sextants. I would love to see that dumb ass attempt to use one. No Vod it doesn't go up your ass. Funny as hell is attempting to claim sextants don't work now or at least work differently than all previous navigators claims. Funny that he just won't believe them. For a man that doesn't like religion he sure loves scientism. Just blindly believing in all sorts of amazing stories with absolutely no proof. Complete nut job.
Its easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.