^^^ *sigh*
The dome is electrically polarized, it charges the ground (-) via induction and the displacement current flowing through the atmosphere results in Earth's magnetic field being produced. The electric field also acts on the atmosphere to create the ionosphere and an asymmetric field reaching to the ground resulting in the downward acceleration of objects more dense than the displaced atmosphere.
The domes immense electric field (+) also prevents anything from getting close to the Antarctic dome wall. At the North pole the induced magnetic field is so strong it ripped the nails out of the early explorers ships who got too close.
There's more regarding the North pole and the projection of the Sun, Moon, stars and planets onto the domes mirrored surface such as the aether drift that drives the sidereal rotation of these celestial objects. This drift can be measured and is frequently used by globalist shills to claim the Earth is in motion.
I hope this helps clear up some of the disinformation posted in the info-graphic above; the shills will do anything to discredit the dome. The controlled opposition shills are the worst and do the most damage hence The Flat Earth Society's existence.
In the example above (((they))) put the intense magnetic field in Antarctica in-place of the dome inverting the ture nature of things (Satan loves to invert things) now they're free to claim there's no dome and an edge with a vacuum "outer space" thereby removing a creator (required for a dome).
Where did you find that information about the Dome's magnetic fields...I read about that theory but hear that the first time.
The dome is electrically polarized (most likely when the oxide layer was formed), the magnetic field (the same field a magnetic compass reads) is created by the flow of aether from from the diploes on the domes surface in the form of electric holes that form a displacement current that flows to the ground; essentially a giant charging capacitor. The aether twists as it flows forming solenoidal tubes or lines and this swirling motion creates a magnetic field perpendicular the flow. This can be notated as
A) where
B is the magnetic field and
A is the magnetic vector potential (aether surrounding the current flow).
I found most of this information in Maxwell's treatise on E&M (uncensored version recommend). The Earth's electric field is common knowledge, Feynman speaks of it in his lectures however I don't recall the names the scientists who performed the balloon experiments that first documented this. Evidence of the dome can be seen in rainbows as the domes reflective oxide surface is a requirement for their production.
This setup with the dome and earth forming an asymmetrical capacitor with an intense magnetic field at the north pole most likely powers the projectors that holographically project the Sun, Moon and stars off of the domes mirrored surface. I suspect the projectors or at least their lenes are mostly carbon/diamond and are diamagnetically levitated above the north pole. However without enough information about what goes on at the north pole I can only speculate on how the holographic projectors work.