I think the first thing we need to do is establish that the Earth indeed has an
electric field that measures 100 Volts per meter and extends out perpendicular to the ground.
The globalists don't deny this field exists but nor do they ever bring it up with rare exceptions like Feynman and his lectures that only a few physics enthusiasts attend. The globalist explanation for this field is induction from the Sun (in Feynman's case he claims thunderstorms) and that the charge spreads out to cover the entire surface. Unfortunately for the globalists these theories fail when one looks at the magnetic fields that would be produced by the current flows, the compass needle would be going nuts.
On a flat Earth with an electrically polarized dome with the dome surface being the positive (+) plate and the ground the negative (-) plate creating a giant capacitor the Earth's electric field is easily and neatly explained.
Now the thing you need to understand regarding density and why the denser an object is, the heavier it gets is the electric field line density at the surface of an object is greater with objects that are more dense;
more particles require more lines to "feed" them thus the net force which acts via these lines is greater on the denser objects. Air pressure, the force it exerts on an object is via the electric field lines; electromagnetism is fluid dynamics with the primary fluid being an aether that itself is best described as being a gaseous crystal.
Now the reason the air an object has displaced is pushing that object in any particular direction is the electric field (between the dome and the ground) is creating an asymmetry in the lines on the objects surface;
the pressure is not uniform.
Few issues/questions with your description:
1. Electric Field intensity observed in nature varies based on the atmospheric conditions such as fog, lightning or after sunrise. It can vary widely from 20 V/m to 1200+ V/m at the Earth surface. This would impact the "weight" of objects in your model. In nature we observe that the weight of the objects does not vary due to the atmospheric conditions.
2. Not sure what you mean by "more particles require more lines to
feed them", electric field flux would be constant for a given object surface provided the electric field intensity is uniform and does not fluctuate due to the atmospheric conditions, I'm not sure how you think it relates to the weight of the object.
3. What do you mean by the pressure is not uniform? It is measurable, is it not? Wouldn't the air pressure be the same around a wood block and a gold brick placed next to each other?
1. Perhaps small variations might be measured but for the most part the force on an object is based on the ratio of displaced atmosphere to the density of the material displacing it.
2. All particles have field lines irrespective of any externally generated fields. More field lines means more net force, each additional line gives a little more for the atmosphere to push on.
3. The atmosphere is pushing on objects, the force is at the interface between the object and the atmosphere, however since the force acts via the field lines it's transmitted to each individual particle via the line. Taking a pressure reading of the atmosphere surrounding an object can't say anything about the displacement the object causes. You're just wasting my time until you can understand this. An anology would be connecting a voltmeter to one pole of a battery and expecting to get a reading with an open circuit.
Look at how a helium balloon is pushed up, understand how air pressure is acting on it. For dense objects it's the same only the push is in the opposite direction.
There's a saying that in the land of the blind the man with one eye is king. Density and buoyancy explain why objects fall and I can't explain any more than I already have as my understanding is not complete. My ability to accurately articulate something i don't fully understand myself to a retarded child is limited.
1. The electric field intensity can be 10+ times larger or 5 times smaller, if you think your "air pressure gradient" is due to the electric field flux going though the object's surface,
objects should be weighing 10 times more during lightning and 5 times less during sunrise. You are in denial of your own theory.
2. Neutrally charged particles do not generate electric field, the electric field in your model is generated by positively charged dome and negatively charged Earth. The density would have no effect on the outside electric field coming to the object surface.
3. Even if you assume that your "air pressure gradient" exist and is affected by the atmospheric electric field, by measuring the air pressure around the object you would be measuring the scalar value of that "air pressure vector".
You are in complete denial of observable reality and your own dome theory.
You deny that atmospheric conditions have significant, measurable effect on the atmospheric electric field.
You deny that air pressure is the same around objects of different densities.
You deny that the atmospheric electric field measured around objects with different densities stays the same. On top of that, you claim that the
arrangement of atoms in the object
generates electric field outside of the object.
There is no need to discuss this further. It is obvious to me that you are suffer from cognitive dissonance.
BTW, we have a name for your dome, it is called ionosphere. You have twisted what is observed by adding the concept that object density is increasing electric field intensity by some unknown force and that air pressure is acting in the direction of the atmospheric electric field.
I have shown you where your model breaks. Take it or stay in the dark.