^^^ There are many translations of that passage (Job 37:18), I chose the NIV version because it references the colour and the fact it's a mirror.
If I claim to have a heart of gold are you going to call me out because it's mussel tissue you absolute faggot? Learn to reading comprehension; the passage is clearly making a comparison.
If those passages were so clear you wouldn't have 100 different translations, was god not smart enough to leave no room for interpretation? Also, how come most religious people do not believe in a flat earth? Don't you see your delusion? But hey, if it's a mirror, it should be really easy to prove, a telescope or a rocket and a camera can easily prove it.
^^^ I've proven the Earth is motionless using physical experiments already on the books (Michaelson & Morley, Airy, Sagnac and Dufour & Prunier) and it's proof beyond a reasonable doubt; the globe and heliocentric model are physically impossible.
If you want photographs of the dome go ask the US military as they took plenty during Operation Fishbowl; my cellphone camera with its LED flash just isn't up to the task. Another way abybody can know there's a mirrored dome is by looking at rainbows, they can't form without a mirror and their curvature proves the mirror is concave.
So there are always indirect ways to check it but never direct, I don't see how hard it is to photograph a mirror or prove its existence directly. Why do I have to ask the military lol.
And for fucks sake, learn how a rainbow works, my god, don't you have google?
https://science.howstuffworks.com/nature/climate-weather/storms/rainbow2.htmI call bullshit faggot!
If what this (((MSM))) propaganda outlet says is true then there should be some kind of proof the theory they're promoting is true. Since I'm a Google imbecile show me some examples of a rainbow being created indoors under artificial light with nothing but water droplets, no mirrors, no sunlight/daylight, because I can't fucking find any.
[1]How do you expect to reproduce those conditions indoors?
[2]It would be extremely hard just to get a bright enough light without, I don't know, burning your house down?
[3]If your claim is that we live surrounded by a fucking huge mirror dome, go ahead and fucking prove it, such an outrageous claim would have extremely evident proof.
[4]Send a rocket to hit the top of the dome with a camera or go to the edge with a plane where you don't need to fly too high to encounter the supposed dome.
"When white sunlight hits a collection of raindrops at a fairly low angle, you can see the component colors red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet -- a rainbow."Source: https://science.howstuffworks.com/nature/climate-weather/storms/rainbow2.htm --> https://s.hswstatic.com/gif/rainbow-raindrop.jpg
Archive: http://archive.is/MfepYConditions needed to reproduce CLAIM indoors:
a) White light @ 10,000 lumens.
b) Water droplet.
Your claim that it's hard to get a bright enough light indoors without involving the fire department is demonstrably false.
Source: eBay.
The fact rainbows require a reflective surface to be produced is "extremely evident proof" of a giant mirror.
Source: http://onetimethrough.com/how-to-make-rainbows-at-home/ --> http://onetimethrough.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/Mirrors-in-Water-Make-Rainbows.jpg
How the fuck does a burger flipping goyim slave ever hope to build/buy a rocket and launch it 3,000 miles into the sky?
Also, what about the fact the air gets so thin at around 1,000 miles that only a giant balloon could hold up a few pounds at that altitude. Rockets don't work beyond a certain altitude as there's nothing to push against but air that's too thin to hold up a multi-ton object.
Those claiming to be Jews control all major media propaganda sources such as (((science.howstuffworks.com))) and use it to promote and support their lies.
"I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan." -- Revelation 2:9