Apollo 11: Catching Some SunExplanation: Bright sunlight glints and long dark shadows mark this image of the lunar surface. It was taken July 20, 1969 by Apollo 11 astronaut Neil Armstrong, the first to walk on the Moon. Pictured is the mission's lunar module, the Eagle, and spacesuited lunar module pilot Buzz Aldrin unfurling a long sheet of foil also known as the Solar Wind Composition Experiment. Exposed facing the Sun, the foil trapped particles streaming outward in the solar wind, catching a sample of material from the Sun itself. Along with moon rocks and lunar soil samples, the solar wind collector was returned for analysis in earthbound laboratories.
To see more, click the links at hxxps://apod.nasa.gov/apod/archivepix.html. Back in 1960's. I can see how people fell for NASA's bullshit space missions.
These days, you have to be a complete fucking moron to believe that shit.
Nobody went to the moon. Outer space isn't what they tell us it is. Wake up.
https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=%22apollo+11+hoax%22PS; fuck you and your shitposting of lies, BADecker. You ignorant jesuit twat.
There are some things you are missing, to complete your understanding of NASA. Here are some of them.
Do you remember the 1956 movie, "Forbidden Planet?" If you haven't seen it, you can download it at
https://gostream.is/. Why do I suggest it? Here's why.
That movie has a load of technological ideas in it that seem to be way before their time. While some of the tech
IS before it's time, some of it isn't, and other of it was foreseen for the 1960s future.
The year of the movie is 1956. People in the "know" in 1956 knew some great things that the general public didn't know. One of these things was the top secret "Orion Project" that the Government was engaged in. This is why they were able to make films like "Forbidden Planet" with such confidence.
The "Orion Project" was a practical project for using atomic bombs to power a rocket to Mars, Saturn, and beyond, with far greater ease than anything that NASA seems to even have dreamed of. Read about the "Orion Project" here
http://newatlas.com/orion-project-atom-bomb-spaceship/49454/. Some of the Project remains shrouded in secrecy even today.
The reason why scientists and Government were looking at the Orion Project, was because all of the most important rocket engineering had been built with the German V-II rockets. These rockets went to the edge of space, and with big money behind them, could have gone to outer space way back in the 1950s. But that would have been it. And after a half-century of improvements and refinements, there is still little that rockets can do to go anywhere "important."
So, what happened to place NASA on the map way back then? Here's what.
Because of safety reasons, the Orion Project was tabled and shelved, to this day. The safety reasons include nuclear fallout on earth and throughout space, what would happen if an Orion spaceship hit a meteor pebble while traveling at a mere 3% of the speed of light (which speed it could easily attain), cosmic radiation safety for the crew, and multitudes of other safety reasons.
There had been big talk by science and Government in the late '40s, the '50s, and the early '60s, that there would be "something" that would move people into outer space well before the 1970s. Orion had been
that "something," even though the people were not told exactly what.
When the Orion Project was placed on
hold for safety reasons, Government needed something to take its place, just to keep the people pacified. NASA was it. And when all the NASA V-II rocket technology wasn't enough to do what Government and science had promised, the film crews were called in.
The technology used to make "Forbidden Planet," and others, was improved to make somewhat realistic films of space travel, and the moon shots. NASA became part rocket industry, and part film industry. And that is what NASA remains until today.
Fast forward to today's NASA Orion Project. This project is simply a more complex version of the Apollo program. There is one big difference. It is designed to gather a whole lot of information that will improve the safety features of the
original Orion Project. You can see the information-gathering goals of the new Orion Project by watching some of the videos that NASA has released about it.
Science and Government have never let go of the original Orion Project. They are simply working on the safety features necessary to make it safe enough to
DO. That's part of the reason why NASA's new Orion Project is called
Orion at all. Given enough time, and enough funding, they are going to use the new Orion to make the original Orion happen.
Now you know what all the NASA fakery is about. You can stop using it in your silly idea that the earth is flat. Your FE religion is dying. Why not spend your efforts gleaning all the info you can about the original Orion Project, so that when they re-activate it, you will be way ahead of everyone else?