1. A psyop implies a conspiracy but I'm just one person who got scammed by globalists.
ad 1. Thats what Osama Bin Laden or some ISIS members and every fanatical follower of any movement would say. Does that means that ISIS is not a product of a psyop? Well..... Hilary had admitted they helped creating Alkaida and ISIS.
Its the:
4) Pinpointing the Enemy: This is a form of simplification in which a complex situation is reduced to the point where the “enemy” is unequivocally identified.
2. The first three points along with the day/night question can be answered with the rules of perspective and the limiting effects of Earth's atmosphere.
ad 2. There are thing either within the rule of geometry or they are unexistant. And "rules of perspective" are just a way of saying that the more distant object follows the trajectory of triangle until it reaches the horizon line. But we are talking about the telescope so the horizon and trajectory of a triangle should be extended. The horizon visibly ends earlier than an object supposedly vanishes because supposedly its too small in this bogusly abused "perspective rule" used to cover the rules of the geometry. In other words you should have still see the sun using the telescope on a flat earth during the night. But its so obvious that I dont know why I waste time on this.
Limiting effect of the atmosphere? What what what? Is that this legendary hidden from mere mortals flat earth science? Enlighten me what that is. Do you mean a light bending? Yeah light bends upwards. Bravo. If you agree to that you are just a step of aknowledging that all we see is quite faky. But you still asume that what we see is what we get. Damn man...... Think again and leave this crap called a flat earth... Its provably bullshit.
Your "rule of perspecitve" is just a way of telling half truths. If anyone disagree with your rule of perspective that defies rules of geometry you use:
5) Social Disapproval. This is a technique by which the propagandist marshals group acceptance and suggests that attitudes or actions contrary to the one outlined will result in social rejection, disapproval, or outright ostracism.
This can be proven by records at the Royal Astronomical Society.
ad 3. Maybe some link? Some documents?
Its the:
1. Bandwagon and Inevitable Victory. Bandwagon-and-inevitable-victory appeals attempt to persuade the target audience to take a course of action “everyone else is taking.” “Join the crowd.” This technique reinforces people’s natural desire to be on the winning side. This technique is used to convince the audience that a program is an expression of an irresistible mass movement and that it is in their interest to join.
4. Mentions children (4th graders), the primary targets of the globalist conspiracy.
ad 4. Its just:
3) Name Calling or Substitutions of Names or Moral Labels. This technique attempts to arouse prejudices in an audience by labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as something the target audience fears, hates, loathes, or finds undesirable.
5. Complains their boss who is most likely smarter than them is no longer cucked.
ad 5. Its just a childish answer like - no Im not this you are the thing you have said. Facepalm.
6. The globalists intend to waste your entire life
ad 6.
2) Obtain Disapproval. This technique is used to get the audience to disapprove an action or idea by suggesting the idea is popular with groups hated, feared, or held in contempt by the target audience. Thus, if a group which supports a policy is led to believe that undesirable, subversive, or contemptible people also support it, the members of the group might decide to change their position.
7. Finally it was WTC building #7 that shows the emperor has no cloths.
ad 7.
1. Bandwagon and Inevitable Victory. Bandwagon-and-inevitable-victory appeals attempt to persuade the target audience to take a course of action “everyone else is taking.” “Join the crowd.” This technique reinforces people’s natural desire to be on the winning side. This technique is used to convince the audience that a program is an expression of an irresistible mass movement and that it is in their interest to join.