Another genius with an awesome hat want to answer the question why Google hates the flat earth. Go ahead Einstein. Dont be shy. We wont laugh.
And yes, we all know that nomad is slow. We very much love him for that. How about you? I was not expecting an answer from him. It was just a stinky gauntlet thrown into your general flat direction. You all think alike, if any.
Mike Hern?
What does he have to do with anything other than bitcoiners? You puzzle me. Really. WTF? I absolutely dont follow you. Does anybody follow him? Please explain me his logic.
Paranoidal schizophrenia is not a death sentence. Save yourself if its not too late.
Nelson Mandela anybody? No, OK yeah sorry it's spelled Hearn, but I used "rage quit" so there's no doubt who I was referring to.
"Why has Bitcoin failed? It has failed because the community has failed. What was meant to be a new, decentralised form of money that lacked ‘systemically important institutions’ and ‘too big to fail’ has become something even worse: a system completely controlled by just a handful of people." --
"I'm a software developer. I was previously a senior software engineer and tech lead at Google, where I worked for about 7.5 years on Maps/Earth, Gmail anti spam, signup abuse and login security. In 2014 I left Google to focus on Bitcoin development full time." -- (his "about me" is still about bitcoin, hubris anybody?)
Do I really need to link the evidence that he's got the morals of a Venetian gigolo?