Yes... amazingly doubtful photo. Clouds everywhere to hide any mistakes they used to do like the picture with america on a half of the globe. Yes however americans feel important - saying something 100 times wouldnt make it right.
Does curvature line not make you doubtful, as its just too ideal? Its like vectoral graphic, optical illusion or an optical/lense effect.
No sorry it would not make you doubtful. If people believe that santa claus has something to do with a birth of the christ, not to say he was propably born in march. Or easter egg has something to do with christ rebirth and that his date of death somehow is a movable date, then yeah you could come up with any of the shit as long as the herd believe in it.
Damn I think I will get some Nobel price if I will discover why people think that the things they have to believe they dont have to understand. I have my guesses. It have to do with a prison dilema in the cybernetics. You have two propositions and boths are wrong and you have to choose one.
Humanity is just full of shit arent they?
Quote from: notbatman on Today at 02:53:05 AM the Earth is flat while gassing your children.
What sorta chemicals do you reckon they are spraying us with ?
I dont know what it have to do with the subject? Is it like knee jerk reaction? Globe->retard mode->any conspiracy that is on your mind?
What sort of chemicals could they be? Some weather controling either dissipating clouds or making clouds or sucking up the heat from the earth. Those are electricly active substances to electricly change the weather. Its too high and to disperse to have any impact on human health.
Even if chemtrails have some effects on human health it can only be a possitive as an extremely small doses of poison makes us more immune to it in the future - its called a hormesis. But it can have layers of metals on the ground so maybe the impact could be the worsening and barrening of the soil.