Ok. So spacex is faking videoes. Sure. News and events are fabricated for money and power around the world. I totally agree with that. Only a fool dont see that.
But..... what would they gain for hiding a flat earth? What does it give them to have this special knowledge of knowing that down is down and that holograms can be illogical. Is there any sanity for them to do so outside of messing with your head? Sorry you all seem like your heads are messed up already. So why bother?
Why not assume they want to hide the electric universe of Tesla because they have some technology that gives them power over the others. If usa would like to fool other countries into not having those technologies, the flat earth model with its atechnological ascientific point of view would be the excelent cover up for any conspiracy searchers to put into a mislead.
Getting back to gravity. How would your model explain difference in the pressure in water the more deep you descend. Logicaly one would have to assume that the more dense water goes "down" and less dense go "up". But even you must admitt its an absurd. There is no more dense and less dense water. Water is water.
Only logical alternative explaination is the Tesla's explanation of aether that its not only a governing force of matter but a property of a matter as well. And an aether is a electrmagnetic phenomen. Having a large octahedron in the middle of the universe making the universe electrical makes absolute sense.
It is spiritual cause, so you will need spiritual discernment. Since you do not have it, I', willing to help you. Let's start again:
Who have told you that I think that theory of evolution is valid? I dont. Neither of spinning earth, big bang or global warming caused by a man.
Many of novaday theoretic science made in XX century is a total garbage but not all. That science that is proven to work aka technical is perfectly fine.
Even if satan rules. He cant do that directly he need to set the rules of the game. And I cant imagine the rule of the political game to state that you are not allowed to believe in a flat earth. The rules of the game we all play are a rather keeping your comperative advantage over your fellow man and keep him broke and use him to earn you money. In that world - the real world, not conspiratard world you need to look at its logic, aka who gain what. Romans used to say qui bono. In other words - noone gains in keeping flat earth not on a table. To the contrary - half truths like flat earth is making your fellow brother at disadvantage because he cant for example navigate without a gps, neither travel efficiently. Not to mention flat earthers wouldnt even want to explore the world as they "know" everything.
Its like the best gift you can give to the satan followers - keep yourself stupid and in disadvantage. Not to mention its a very grim world where noone trust eachother and are mistrusful to communicate with eachother.
We as humanity minus flat earthers and blind nasa believers have established a way to contact with eachother using logical statements. Yes. Satan would like us not to communicate efficiently with eachother.
If you are so christian as you say, listen to what Jesus have said - "By the fruits you will know them". What fruits does flat earth provide? Anger, mistrust, lack of ability to communicate, giving false statement to your fellow man etc etc. I see absolutely nothing good out of it.
Do you have any flat earth technology? There is an electric discharge between the surface of the earth and the glass of the sky. You could explore and reaserch that and show us that flat earth is valid. But you wont do that because you would have to assume that above the glass of the sky there are still realms to explore.
That is why people despise christianity. You are only a partialy christians. The ones that will be spit out of His mouth. In other words less poetic - you are slightly disgusting.