If the Earth would be flat, can please someone explain me a feature called GPS, which people use every day, based on the Flat-Earth Theory? Sadly the Concorde isn't flying anymore, it allowed you at 41000 ft to see the curvature of the Earth.
Oje, a newbie in every sense.
Poor bugger all the emotions, drama discoveries to come.
Go back at this thread and find your basic questions answered many times over.
A little higher then the Concorde.
Professor Piccard And His Flat Earth Discovery
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cGHH6_K57zAIn 1931, Professor Auguste Piccard / Swiss Physicist, Inventor & Explorer took the first ever balloon flight high above the Earth to the stratosphere and
discovered a flat plane with upturned edges. In his pressurized aluminum gondola he reached 51,775 feet; about 10 miles above the Earth. This is his story, a story which has been omitted from our education system.
GPS (Global Positioning System) Nothing else as repeater stadions on various places. As a matter of fact if it would have anything to do with space the signal would be equaly as strong everywhere (mittle of dessert, valleys...) it is not.
Ther is no Satellites, iss....Have you ever seen one pointing straight up, why not? Have you ever in 40 years of operation heard of one failing and millions of tv's need to find new one because xyz satelite broke or got hit by asteroid...What about service , maintenace wear a d tear, i want such a car going 40 years strong without failure.
Flimsy solar panel transmitting data over such huge distances, gimmy a break, get basics of data transmission or CB radio and power needed to transmit, Squared by distance...
Not sure none of any other. But in order for my faith was firm, I have to have proof of all of this. And I wonder who is making a video and posted to youtube. It wants to convince why?
The same people who have spent centuries convincing you of the globe lie are the same people who are now spreading the truth about the earth indeed being a flat, immovable plane. It
IS a psychological operation. The "controllers" know that many people (like BADecker) will be struck with serious cognitive dissonance when presented with the flat earth truth and it completely contradicts everything (they think) they know about their world and the universe as it has been presented to them over their lifetime. It drives some people absolutely nuts. The controllers know that some people will be at each others throats over this topic. Divide and conquer. An age-old game strategy of the Knights Templar / freemasons. Devious lowlife dark fucks that they are.
The goal of this psychological operation is to divide and conquer the "truth movement" by turning honest, truth seeking individuals against one another. I don't know why some people can't grasp the concept of the earth being flat, but it seems that it's just they way it is. Some will Know, and some will never know.
The "controllers" are sun worshipers. They are luciferians. This is why they created the idea of the solar system, where everything orbits the sun because the sun is the center of
their universe. Their
"sun" is the light. Their
"son" is also the light. These are the same people, by the way, who are responsible for creating all of the religions and writing all the bibles and other religious texts. It's all a scam. Wait until people find out that the character Jesus is actually Lucifer. The Christians will lose their shit. Just wait. I'm making popcorn for that one.
truth is that earth is the center of the universe, and that the all stars and heavenly luminaries revolve around
us, and the "universe" is not some vast, endless space where we can send freemasons to land space ships on other planets. That is complete
bullshit. NO ONE GOES TO "OUTER SPACE", because outer space does not exist. It's part of the lie they have fed you.
The "truth movement" is FULL of controlled opposition, disinformation agents, gate-keepers, and shills by the million. They tell you plenty of things that are true, and those truths resonate within you and you realize it to be a truth, because it truly
IS true. You
KNOW. Then they have your trust because they told you some truths, and they can spin other disinformation into the mix to intentionally mislead you into thinking the wrong thing about something else. It's a tangled web they weave, when their goal is to deceive.
It's up to each and every one of us to
DO THEIR OWN RESEARCH and figure out for things
for themselves. No one is going to tell you the "whole truth" about anything. That is something you will have to establish for yourself, after doing your own diligent research.
Unfortunately, I feel there may be no hope for people like BADecker and Company. It seems that some are doomed to be forever
"lost in space".
“He who has ears to hear, let him hear.”PS; don't ask me any questions. Just research what I post. I'm not arguing or debating this stuff with anyone.
Earth is flat, and that's that. Deal with it or just fuck right off.