gurgle gurgle
The first time I meet people who are so firmly convinced that the earth is flat. It's funny to say this, but there are also unique in the crowd who preach this idea.
This is serious stuff. The ball earth lie is the biggest lie ever told. Nasty fucking business.
All of us at one time beLIEved in the ball earth, but some of us have somehow managed to break free of the bullshit propaganda and lies that we have been fed for centuries, and discover the real truth about things; and not just the flat earth truth. There is an awakening happening. People are beginning to look 'under the veil' and are realizing that most, if not all, that we have been taught is complete bullshit. There are more and more of us every day. Things will soon reach critical mass, and then look the fuck out. The Zionists, the freemasons, the Jesuits, and programmed peons like BADecker and Company will hang from the tallest trees. Count on it.
Goofs like BADecker are a cancer. It's amazing why someone would troll a thread so obsessively, like some kind of deranged religious fanatic, trying to convince people of the "error of their ways" or that "nope, there's nothing to see here, folks".
If you don't like the idea of the earth being flat, then fine. Go somewhere else and leave people alone to research and explore what feels right to them. Don't be a pompous, self-righteous cunt and tell everyone they're wrong or stupid or uneducated. Shame on you arrogant cunts.
If you are interested in the idea of the earth being flat, then look into it further for yourself. There is tons of information to go through.
http://ifers.123.stJesus, are you like this in real life? Maybe if you actually responded to people's points, rather than just calling them cunts when they say things you disagree with, you might gain a shred of credibility.
I can't believe you're for real tbh, I'm becoming sure that you're a sort of inside agent posting bullshit youtube videos to make the flat-earthers look stupid. Correction, stupider than they already look.
Don't let me stop your youtube "research", professor of the Flat Earth. Don't forget the citations when you write your paper!!