Already been proven by multitudes of scientists over a period of several hundred or several thousand years. Now prove the earth is flat. Quit showing all the incomplete speculation you always do.
It hasn't been proven, you've got no proof we're living on a spinning ball. The horizon is perfectly flat and rises to eye-level no matter the altitude, it's pretty fucking obvious we're living on a flat plane when you examine the facts.
Nobody is trying to tell you what you can believe. But you can't change the facts of globular earth to flat earth just by believing it.
Further, Revelation 12:12 says:
So, is God telling microbes in the sky to rejoice?
The point is, the heavens are gigantically larger than half of a 37,000 mile diameter dome covered earth portion that flat-earthers say is within the dome. Many of the "you who dwell in them" from the Revelation passage, may be dwelling on other planets. Flat-earth doesn't make any sense, with or without flat-earth "proof."
Let's put this in proper context. Complete text of the rev.12:12 once again disprove your theory.
Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabitants of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he know that he hath but a short time.
Anybody can quote some Bible passage without explaining what it means to them. You have said exactly nothing by way of explaining yourself.
When the great battle between Michael the archangel and Satan took place in the Heavens, Satan lost, and he and his were cast to the earth. All the inhabitants that are left in the Heavens are Michael and his good-angel armies... and whatever other beings might live on the distant planets.
This Bible passage says nothing about the earth being flat, or that there is some kind of a dome over it that is around 37,000 miles in diameter at the level of the earth. Rather, it suggests (as I stated previously) that the Heavens are large enough to hold beings on other planets... beings that have enough intelligence and emotion that they can rejoice.
What are you doing here in this forum? You can't even explain what you are talking about. Go out and play with the other kids.
For you i speak in riddles but i reveal secrets to them that are close and dear to me.
I gave you bonus hints, so you can figure this out in spirit. Read passage again or go playing with spinning ball earth.
Oh and you forgot the saints.
Heb 12:1 Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us.