yeah were on a giant ball spinning at 1000mph
i'l just leave this here
Try spinning the tennis ball at a rate of one revolution every 24 hours and see how much water flies off.
so you honestly believe the sphere earth concept, where the sphere turns 360 degrees in 24 hours, yet spins at 1038MPH at the equator?
Pardon me for not being persuaded by your image of a tennis ball which, if spinning at 1038 mph, would make close to 200 million revolutions in a 24-hour period.
what about your satellite tv, you know those alleged satelittes which are capable of flying in perfect synchronicity with the earth, ever set a sky tv system up? if you have you will know your disk has to be perfectly accurately pointed at something we are told is hovering a mile in the sky LMFAO sky tv is ground based the satelitte signal is reflected off the ionosphere, this is the only accurate method of fixing a so called satellite signal
"Oh no, my analogy was false! Abort! Abort! Switch topics immediately!"
you clearly have zero sense of perspective LOL
Correct, I am under the false impression that anything reasonable will make sense to you when filtered through your perspective.
works 2 ways that one dude i learned concepts at school not facts, there are many concepts out there, accepting the one we are steered towards is not always intelligent, like i say i deal in facts but love a good debate over concepts and theories, that is how we progress after all
I'm an autodidact. School and I never got along, though I appreciated that it was easy. Learning on your own, questioning what you're taught, and going against the grain can be great -- surely, it can lead to great insights under many circumstances. However, it can also lead to time-wasting and can do more harm than good. Judging by your tennis ball analogy, please excuse me for thinking it's doing you more harm than good. The point you were trying to make with it was off by a factor of ~200 million.