...but i always end the argument with ok here is a tennis ball, stick me some bodies of water on its surface then throw it to me so i can get a drink...
Do your opponents always end the argument like this?
nope as the people i general converse with in real life also have true intelligence, there is nothing intelligent in believing theories which have no evidence to support, fabricated evidence and hearsay do not count
Lol, yeah, you keep telling yourself that. There's nothing like feeling you're part of some small minority, privileged enough to have both access to fundamental knowledge about the world that billions of others do not, and enough intelligence to see what billions of others -- including the 'elite' intellectuals of the world who have spent years dirtying their hands in cerements of library dust at the most exclusive Universities and in the most exclusive professions -- have continuously failed to understand.
Yeah, I can see why Flat Earth Theory appeals to you...
clearly you dont im afraid mate, completely ignoring the fact i want real substantiated evidence to prove either theory 1 way or the other, you can quote passages from books all you like, they are mere hearsay, and speculation, i want hard facts, you know like a court of law would want, again i state there is nothing intelligent about believing theories no matter how much fabricated evidence may support the theory.
mock all you like, your clearly stating you believe we live on a sphere earth yet a working scale model can never be created LMFAO go figure that 1 continue your attempt to ridicule by all means, your only showing off your true intelligence level, blindly accepting the bullshit were told to believe.. like i say i prefer the flat earth theory over the others due to physical evidence, show me physical evidence to support sphere or even hollow earth and my preferance may change, until i see real physical evidence im going to continue preferring the flat earth theory, which also supports the fact we are all gods, look at when people pray, ask your self honestly who hears your prayers? you do you and your subconscious, your praying to yourself, we can manifest things, ever worried so much about something happening, then it happened, yeah you manifested that scenario with your worry
stop bowing down to criminals, take back your power, take back your authority, and start presenting yourselves, you do not need representatives