@n0nce this was well written amazing review of Passport batch2 hardware wallet, and it took me some time to read everything.
Hands down I think this is currently one of the best open source Bitcoin hardware wallets available in market.
Some people could complain about lack of support for shitcoins, but this is only positive thing for me.
Compared to it's older brother Coldcard, this is big step in right direction in every way, and solid improvement from Foundation edition.
I can't wait to see what device is Foundation going to release next.
Agree with everything! Alone the fact that it has no 'integration with centralized exchange X' or even an overly complex host software at all, should give users confidence that they didn't waste time and developer attention into such features and instead focused on making a secure Bitcoin storage and signing device.
I'd still like to see them get external security audits done; not sure if they've done anything like that. It's usually quite expensive and with
FE only having sold 1000 units total, I don't know that you can afford that at such small scale. But this is a security device so it should be a very high priority, now that they (hopefully) sell lots more devices with
Batch 2 and onwards.
I'd really recommend Foundation Devices to start offering 'accessories' in their shop; it's a good way to keep revenue flowing in, after a user bought your product. Especially for premium products (like Passport) that customers don't want to replace every year.
For sure they need to offer cases for devices, in same way like most people use cases for their phones.
Same thing with batteries, and they could even earn extra sats for selling this, just look what Trezor is doing.
Exactly; it's a win-win situation. I'm suggesting it for both making users more comfortable carrying such a device with them, and basically replacing the need for storing keys on their insecure mobile devices (phones / laptops). And at the same time it would keep cash flow coming after Foundation sold someone the device, which is always good for the company. I'd really like to see them succeed long-term. Other manufacturers like ShiftCrypto (BitBox), for instance sell backup cards, sealed bags and small goodies which I can definitely see people buying little by little, the more they dive into Bitcoin, secure storage, secure backups and multisig.
Also got my Passport 2 a few days ago and really like it.
That's good to know! One more Bitcointalk user to potentially discuss new features or issues as we keep using this device..
One very positive thing that stuck out to me:
This is the first hardware wallet with which it's not a complete pain to type in words like seed etc. Even though it has a number pad just like the coldcard, it uses a different system and it's very fast, like typing text on an old nokia phone.
Good point! I believe I mentioned it in my
Founders Edition review; I totally agree with that. I'm way more comfortable using a more complex device password and more complex passphrase on this, due to being so comfortable and quick to enter them.
A few things I would like to see:
Seed XOR and BIP 85
Do you know whether they're working on that yet? I'll have to check if they have a blog or Twitter post about that.
Also, is there any reason there has to be a ten account limit?
There is? I haven't tried creating more than 10 accounts; good to know, though.