What you guys think about James? Why he use this type of statement.. Specially his explanation about his hard drive?
Let say everything he says is true, in his own mind at least. The problems are these:
1) If he really did lose the HD with the development coins on them, feeling stupid, he would not tell anyone ever. He would have
simply said they were 'development coins' which they kinda were and say he 'burned' the keys. No one would admit being that
stupid, even if you were that stupid, especially with the ego of someone to think he/she could make a cryptocurrency to rule the world.
This would stay a secret till his/her grave! I mean really, why tell anyone something like this on development coins? At worst, you could
say you never bothered to keep keys because you were testing the concept and development of BTC not in its final form.
2) So say above happened, Satoshi is feeling low and a bit dumb. So what to do? It is obvious, fire up the laptop and makes some
more Bitcoin and this time secure the keys. So IF this guy was Satoshi and IF the above (1) happened, he/she would have at least
mined some 'early BTC addresses' and accumulated some 'decent' coin and say, I realize I have no real proof that I am Satoshi, but see
I was at 'least' a very, very, very early Bitcoin Adopter. Sh*t he said he lost faith and did not even do that.
3) experts have stated since he has pop'd on the scene that the picture is a computer composite.
There are about 9 more things that don't jive with this and his P.R. plug for $$$ on the site.
It is like everything else, people take shortcuts, no 'real' true evil scammers anymore. It is like they never saw an 'evil genius' cartoon!
At least be up to the level of my expectations of such when I was 5 years old. Alas, no skills!