I'm pretty sure this JavaScript mining executes the Cryptonight algorithm, which is used for Monero mining. I tested it with a 4-th gen Intel Core i5 and it achieves about 60 H/s, which leads to roughly earning 1 satoshi per minute in your FreeBitco account, so unless you have very cheap electricity you will mine at a loss...
that is a crazy shit rate you got there. i have a i7-6th gen 6700HQ @ 2.60ghz and my rate is only from 45 H/s ~ 50 H/s with 20 threads running. It nearly crash my laptop when i set to 30 threads. Why my processor is better than yours has a lower hash rate? LOL. Btw, my browser is crashed after i leave the mining on for like 3 hours.
Your processor is a laptop Core i7, while mine is a desktop Core i5 and that is why it is faster. Laptop processors are optimized for power efficiency and thus consume way less power than desktop processors, but this also leads to lower performance. That is why a desktop Core i5 is in most cases faster than a laptop Core i7. A laptop core i7 is roughly equivalent to a desktop Core i3 processor of the same generation. But anyways, mining on a laptop is not a good idea for another reason - laptops do not handle heat well, so mining on a laptop may shorten its life or at least degrade its battery much faster (batteries don't like heat).
Regarding the number of threads, don't set it to more than the number of logical cores of your CPU (you can see them in the task manager). In your case you have a Core i7 with 4 cores and hyperthreading, which makes a total of 8 logical cores, so do not set the thread number to more than 8.
Regarding the power consumption, you can use a software like
HW Info to check how many Watts your CPU is using when idle and when mining and then do the calculations to see if mining is worth it for you.
Ok I've had time to do that now. just a quick question on interpreting the information. CPU power has 3 different values:
CPU Package Power
IA Cores Power
GT Cores Power
The last one is the onboard graphics and the value doesn't change when mining. My question is Package Power the total or do I need to add it to Cores Power?
As far as I know the package power is the total power the CPU consumes.