Also considering that it is one of the top ranked sites based on views, one would think that it would consist of a whole organization with a corporate structure of people running the site.
I remember this being a huge faucet website back in the day, like not even betting or lottery or dice, just pure faucet (there was dice and lottery as well but not used as much) because it gave like hundreds of satoshi, if you were using this websites faucet back in the day and saved all the free money you got from them, you could basically be rich all thanks to their free money.
However, that doesn't mean we can't have another support here helping thequin out, he helps everyone out and he is super active here but that worries me that he works too much, we wouldn't want him to burn out and quit one day, dude is a beast when it comes to fixing stuff and that is why he needs to be fresh all the time.