It's just a technical issue. All rolls are processed and balances updated real-time as a priority task by the main servers and everything else runs from timed scripts on lower priority servers. We currently process 60 to 80 million rolls a day and update over 18 million balances in real time. Adding the task of processing referral share back would be a lot of extra load on those servers.
It is strange that records that you stole deposits of ordinary users, you pass, and answer questions concerning referrals. Why? Why can't you answer my questions? If I understand you correctly, it says that deposits that were made by ordinary users and were randomly blocked (I believe that this is an accident), you will not return? Why not make a feedback form, in order to allow users to apply to their accounts were tested in a manual manner in the presence of blocking errors from your side? Personally, I have no bots or multiaccounters not engaged