In today's match of French Soccer League LOSC vs Angers team has started a very nice match. So far LOSC team is leading by 1 goal. Angers team has not scored any goal so far but the performance of Angers team players is not very good which is why Angers team may not be able to score any goal. LOSC team goalkeeper L. Chevalier is doing a great performance. Let's see how many goals LOSC team can win the match until the end of today's match.
After watching the match between Lille vs Angers at the Decathlon Arena, it is very unfortunate that the Angers team could not score a single goal in the match and made Lille win even though they only scored two goals in the match. In addition, the Lille team has often performed impressively in Ligue 1 every season even though Lille has not been able to become champions in Ligue 1 due to being blocked by PSG as the ruler of Ligue 1 every season. However, winning at home against Angers is certainly a source of pride for Lille because they have been able to win twice in two matches at the beginning of this season.
Lille has so far appeared very impressive under their new coach Bruno Genesio both in Ligue 1 and Champions League qualification, the victory over Angers in yesterday match was Lille fifth unbeaten match in all competitions, but If you look that the match it's actually not that interesting because both teams have the quality of the squad was very different, apart from that the game of both teams was very monotonous even though Lille had many opportunities but they couldn't convert them into more than two goals.
If we look at Lille game this season and last season, many significant changes occurred after the replacement coaching, previously Lille tended to play attacking with a 4-2-3-1 scheme and strategy which was Paulo Fonsesca favorite, but in the hands of Bruno Genesio currently Lille game is more dominant in defending by using 5 defenders in front of their goalkeeper and a 5-4-1 strategy is quite effective against weak opponents, but it will be very worrying if their must to face a team that have aggressive attacks later. by using a 5-4-1 formation in a match certainly indicates that Lille is not aiming for many goals in that match, usually a team that uses a 5-4-1 formation will tend to score 1 or 2 goals before they defend completely, So far, PSG has indeed controlled the Ligue 1 trophy, but it seems you need to review it if you say that Lille is always hindered by PSG in winning the championship because in fact the last time Lille won was the 2020/21 season.