Gambling is not the only basis for whether you are lucky or not, you must have intelligence on how to play any gambling games, especially card games. As for the fake gambling sites yeah, it does really exist.
That's why we should always be careful and don't lose defense, we can search it online and check if the gambling site we entered is legit.
I also experienced one time an influencer who promoted this gambling site and then when I signed into that site, I had to use his/her referral code. And then I did it out of curiosity and excitement since the only amount that you need to cash into your account is low. I won in the first game but lost afterward. So I quit.
I did rely on my luck on that site, but I ran out of luck.
I think that it is common in gambling sites that they make you win the moment you play your first game, and that's part of their tricks and traps because of course you like the game and you'll be inspired if you win in the first game. but later on, when you lose you want to take back your winnings and that's when you start to get addicted to gambling.
You identified a frequent gambling strategy: the initial gain is a trap. Understanding human psychology is crucial. Our brains seek patterns and believe in winning streaks In gambling, these are generally well-crafted illusions that deceive. The loss-chasing cycle is harmful. Being aware of these methods helps us make informed decisions. Gambling should be approached cautiously and cognizant of its psychological dangers. Intelligence in playing the game and recognizing its emotional and financial effects is crucial
That site is making a way to entice me to make a bet with their games, and that is by making me win in the first game which later on I quit and still be able to manage my bankroll. It’s okay for me cause I was just only giving it a try even though I know for myself that I run out of luck every time I gamble.
Maybe if I didn't use my instinct at that time and just go along with their tricks, I might have become a gambler addict right but came back to my senses and made me realize that I should stop what I’m doing and then rest for a while. I mean let's just accept the fact that money will flow towards you and money will flow away from you.