I got to be careful not to be carried away too much, though...
If you solve the problems with VEGA card performance on Linux systems, it should be worth a small fortune, private or public. It would be nice to have a portable installation similar to that of NiceHash Excavator on Linux, or to co-ordinate with the Devs for inclusion on the various mining distros mentioned above. Each distro has thousands of miners, a small fee of any kind (from Devs or a constant percentage) should be beneificial to all.
I have 2 RX VEGA 64 cards and have refrained from buying more because I mine on Linux. In the USA, a 4-card rig will stay within the electrical limits of 110V houshold current. With 220V current, 8-card rigs will easily fit The VEGA cards are power-houses of hash rate, but for some reason they currently perform poorly on Linux drivers.
Find the fix, it may be woth your while. --scryptr